Reviews for The Tragyls at Hogwarts: 1984 |
Guest chapter 10 . 2/20/2015 good story please continue it |
SMTRodent chapter 7 . 7/25/2010 The view of British religion you give here is odd. Yes, most Britons are members of the Church of England, but it's a sort of default state rather than a religious conviction. It's what you put on forms even if you've never even thought about religion. Churchgoing here is honoured much more in the breach than in the observance - that is, most of us don't actually go to church often, if at all. As a society, we're very, very secular and don't usually ask about one another's religions or lack thereof. Mrs Tragyl's fears make sense, but the teachers' attitudes come across as rather odd. While the school might offer religious education, and an exemption form might be needed, it would not be at all suspicious or unusual to not be churchgoers. An open display of religious affiliation (beyond a casual mention when the subject comes up) would be more unusual, in fact. Britons don't usually wear their religion on their sleeves. |
ScM15 chapter 10 . 10/14/2005 Great work so far! I saw you don't have that many reviews on this one yet. Definitely keep writing! Of course, I'd also like more of Twelve Again, but either is good. Are you planning to go through all eight Tragyls? If so, I look forward to it! -Scott |
Mousker chapter 10 . 9/10/2005 Great story. I was really getting into it. Even though it's been a few years since you last update I can still hope right? Keep up with the good work in all your endeavors. -Beekers |
kitza chapter 10 . 3/20/2005 This is a really excellent story with well developed characters and an original plot. I'm truely sorry to see that you never finished it. Oh well. |
Danieli chapter 10 . 3/12/2005 K, just reread it all. Even more amazing the second time around : ) I can only hope that one day I'll write half as good as you do. Please find time to continue this story, and your Twelve Again. Actually, you have the time, so more accuratly USE the time you have to write them :P |
glorianna chapter 2 . 2/3/2005 I like your story.I've wanted to read something like this for a has lots of drama and humor, and you dont often find the right combinations of both. |
Sweetiedogood chapter 10 . 11/11/2004 I should have never started reading. You gave up on it. Two years ago, beautiful. |
Orodruin chapter 10 . 11/8/2004 I just wanted to say that I thought this was a good story, I found it via your other story about Snape (which I also think is very good) which I found via... some other story, I think. But anyway, I was wondering if you have any plans to continue it. I'd like to see it continued if you were, I think it's really interesting and I love your characters. But it doesn't really look like you're planning on it, so I guess I'll have to find some way to get over it, huh? Well, if you do decide to continue it, you can plan on hearing from me again. |
Adelina chapter 10 . 8/6/2004 It seems you havent updated this in a while...please do, because I would love to keep reading and reading this. I wish I had more to say about this story, but I cant seem to find words great enough for such a wondrous story as this. |
elliy2002 chapter 10 . 5/9/2004 Wow...that was great! It's really really good! Please write more, I'm eager to read some more :D |
Ed loves Lil chapter 10 . 12/7/2003 Please! More more more! I can't wait to discover what they uncover about Wallbey and he is such a *&% *& you know. I think that is interesting that Snape helped Harris out and I am curious to know how Harris decides what house he will be in too. I love this story and your one on Twelve Again. I hope you will add more soon! |
ZSlyth chapter 10 . 10/15/2003 It's been 10 months! Please update son! I love this fic! |
Kestreleris chapter 10 . 8/31/2003 You really have a way with characters. I can't wait to see what happens next. :D |
Sirius Skylighter chapter 10 . 7/5/2003 I actually read this ages ago, but since I'm a lazy reviewer and a horrible person... But it's so much easier to have this in my Favorite Stories list to see when you update, so I was finally forced to review, for selfish reasons of course. (You can see why I'm Slytherin?) About the story: this is WONDERFUL. No doubt one of the very best HP fics you can find in . So please update, okay? I so very much want to know what happens next. And I'd like to hear more about Clarence, he's my favourite _ (Well, anyone who worships Snape... Yes, I have read you Twelve Again.) Will you write about when he finally comes to Hogwarts and meets Sevvie the first time? Even if you made it just a little ficlette, just about how he and Snape first meet, it would be so _interesting_... Please? _' (...enough babbling, I guess. This is coolness. Keep up the good work!) |