Reviews for Merging Destinies
Markan999 chapter 1 . 4/30
I just love stories that have expaded and rich vocabulary. It shows how cultured an author is.
AstralNovaa chapter 21 . 3/28
update rn
lukeanimelover chapter 8 . 1/20
For naruto always complaining about other peoples ignorance or stupidity i honesty cant understand why hed let any water near the student of a swordsmen of the mist “he doesnt know she has ice release” she doesnt need ice release to use water jutsu. For all he knew she couldve been capable of sealess jutsu.

Also im minda salty how rhis isnt a Naruto x Haku fic, ive always liked it and this OCC of Naruto would compliment Haku nicely, far nicer them any of the other ships. I wouldve personally chosen Naruto x Anko x Haku x Temari. Maybe hinata? Those are the ones i think would fit best with naruto.
lukeanimelover chapter 1 . 1/7
This doesnt deserve even 1K follows or favourites. Its trash.
lukeanimelover chapter 1 . 1/7
From the first chapter i can already tell this is wrote by a 13 year old.
ZChaoZ chapter 1 . 10/6/2023
Amazing story, just go to finish it.
Username6166 chapter 2 . 5/23/2023
I don't get why this is so popular, it's just another generic bashing fic
Username6166 chapter 1 . 5/23/2023
So during the entire time Naruto has been in the academy, not a single other student saw him fight during the public taijutsu tests?
Guest chapter 21 . 3/22/2023
bro para cuando nuevo cap
Grimrepa chapter 21 . 1/13/2023
I hope that one day soon you will continue this story
Giovanni Vadhir Rios chapter 9 . 1/6/2023
Giovanni Vadhir Rios chapter 8 . 1/6/2023
Giovanni Vadhir Rios chapter 7 . 1/6/2023
Giovanni Vadhir Rios chapter 6 . 1/5/2023
Giovanni Vadhir Rios chapter 5 . 1/5/2023
Excellent Work
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