Reviews for And the Meek Shall Inherit the Galaxy
raze200 chapter 20 . 1/18
I’m sorry bjt jjst the fucking “GET OUT!” Is just so fucking funny to me. I’d like to think tbat the councilor said that because they knew what reaction theyd get… buuut…
Featherboi chapter 2 . 1/12
1 chapter in, Already like the vibe :)))
No-one Special 4 chapter 20 . 8/31/2024
"Ah yes, 'Reapers'" you couldn't resist, could you?
TheMacGuffinMan chapter 24 . 4/26/2024
Great chapter. I hope Hevesh and her crazy uncle escape.
TheMacGuffinMan chapter 19 . 4/26/2024
Once again Seren falls prey to the Cycle.
TheMacGuffinMan chapter 16 . 4/26/2024
Yay! Hacket and Vexxu are fantastic.
TheMacGuffinMan chapter 12 . 4/25/2024
Quality content.
TheMacGuffinMan chapter 9 . 4/23/2024
I’m loving these quotes! Great story so far.
TheMacGuffinMan chapter 6 . 4/23/2024
Good stuff. It’s getting spicy!
TheMacGuffinMan chapter 2 . 4/22/2024
Looks promising. Good stuff so far.
FanfictionFan2014 chapter 11 . 11/30/2023
I've only made it to chapter 11 and so far it has been an absolute treat to read! Honestly it feels like I'm reading an actual story that's canon in the series and I can't wait to see what comes next in the chapters to come! Excellent work man!

P.S. I see what you did in this chapter...spacies like a certain golden arches I'm loving it!
greylonwolf65 chapter 5 . 11/24/2023
Awesome work.
A Trash Mob chapter 12 . 11/18/2023
Even im managing to catch references, which makes me very happy. I especially enjoyed pinky and the brain, and doctor who :)
Guest chapter 48 . 10/28/2023
Excellent AU and charater development. Looking forward to next story. THANK YOU!
Guest chapter 5 . 10/22/2023
Found your story and am enjoying it immensely. Fresh look at the ME universe with sooo many possibilities. Looking forward to the rest of the story. Thanks so much & I hope you and your muse fare well.
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