Reviews for Molly Hooper and the Adventure of being Sherlock's flatmate |
MizJoely chapter 41 . 8/17/2014 Very hot, a lovely parting gift, lol! And I have my suspicions about that autopsy...could one of the bodies have resembled a certain consulting detective, I wonder? Sorry this story is coming to an end but it's been a glorious ride! |
Nat-Nat 360 chapter 41 . 8/17/2014 That's love that I want |
MorbidbyDefault chapter 41 . 8/17/2014 Teeheehee...i woke up to the most wonderful email telling me this had updated. Yay! Such a great chapter! Love it. Love you! |
Malmo722 chapter 41 . 8/17/2014 Great update! I also love that your Sherlock isn't exactly like the Sherlock from the show. If that's what I wanted I would just watch the show. He's the perfect balance of the Sherlock we know and an actual human being with emotions and feelings. He's also way funnier. Anyway, loved the chapter can't wait for the next one. |
SammyKatz chapter 41 . 8/17/2014 Very nice. I like your characterizations. Sherlock from season 3 is different from the Sherlock we met in season 1. I say good job. |
SliceofDeviantPi chapter 41 . 8/17/2014 Yay! You're back! *fans self* So VERY back. :) Is it too much to ask for Sherlock to say the word "absofuckinglutely" in season 4? I think not. Thank you, because I didn't know I wanted it until now. |
Arkytior's Rose chapter 41 . 8/17/2014 Good chapter,loved it.. Please Update Soon Dear... :) |
The Prince's Phoenix chapter 34 . 8/11/2014 Very beautifully written! I'm loving this story! |
Ree923 chapter 40 . 8/1/2014 I need the next chapter! I keep reading this over and over but I am getting impatient LOL |
OohLaLee chapter 40 . 7/26/2014 Just read from start to Ch. 40 this week. So much fun, so well done in every area - romance, smut, mystery, humor. I like being able to recognize which character is talking at dinner in this chapter without needing to know their names. Laughed out loud in the chapter where Molly told Mycroft Irene's intention to run away. Look forward to more! |
applejacks0808 chapter 40 . 7/26/2014 I read this in two days, it was so good! The prank war was the funniest thing ever. I actually laughed to the point of tears! Great job! :) |
Evie chapter 15 . 7/22/2014 So funny! I laughed so hard I cried! |
sarahchai chapter 22 . 7/22/2014 I love the story so much! It's amazing, but please please please try to keep the characters in character-that would make this story the best! |
9saphire chapter 40 . 7/21/2014 I just got caught up. What a beautiful, exciting story! The journey Molly and Sherlock take with each other is amazing. Just love it. Can't wait for the next update. |
Renaissancebooklover108 chapter 40 . 7/16/2014 YAY! happiness and joy :) lol |