Reviews for Molly Hooper and the Adventure of being Sherlock's flatmate
Arienhod chapter 42 . 9/21/2014
Even is Mrs. Hudson doesn't return to London for Sherlock and Molly's wedding I hope they go to Australia for their sex holiday and visit her.
SliceofDeviantPi chapter 42 . 9/21/2014
I laughed, I cried, I fanned myself. STOP MAKING ME HAVE FEELS, WOMAN. :)
Mistykins06 chapter 42 . 9/21/2014
Wow! What a chapter. So freaking good.
Jessiekat89 chapter 42 . 9/21/2014
Ah a fun and sad chapter at the same time
Angels-heart1 chapter 42 . 9/21/2014
Great chapter! Loved it!
TVinBW chapter 42 . 9/21/2014
why is your writing style so lovely? i think i got addicted to your story, no, i am totally addicted by now. i read all the chapters for a day or two and here i am gifted by this new chapter and i really did enjoy it. when i read kink, i thought sherl would be the dominating one, then our 'sweet' molls turned the table. well, i am a new reader on this flatform, and even new for this wonderful ship, sherlolly, thus i won't be able to give you a good review, but this story rocks! keep writing such great stories.
a bunch of love from me, x
BelieverofManyThings chapter 42 . 9/21/2014
Beautiful and emotional chapter :-D
Rocking the Redhead chapter 42 . 9/21/2014
Ohhhh those scenes with Sherlock and Mrs still my little heart
MizJoely chapter 42 . 9/21/2014
Crazy hot and sweetly sentimental at the same time, nicely done!
Lars chapter 41 . 9/6/2014
Omg I really loved this story. Cried. And cried
KatyWright340 chapter 41 . 9/4/2014
I have finally read all 41 chapters after an intensive few days of reading! I absolutely love this story and it should never end! It's so brilliant! X
Mistykins06 chapter 41 . 8/29/2014
Well I'm late to this party, but hooked now. Wow. I love this way to much.
Irene90 chapter 41 . 8/25/2014
A great chapter! And very sexy one! I'm curious to see if indeed there is something else in Molly's mind that made her worried. Looking forward to the next!
Guest chapter 41 . 8/20/2014
A great chapter. Still loving the Sherlock/Molly romance dynamic! Looking forward to the next update.
9saphire chapter 41 . 8/19/2014
Funny and sexy. A great combination when writing. Can't wait for more.
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