Reviews for The Boy At Table Seven
Itzrenaynay chapter 22 . 10/30/2024
The fact that she wants him to feel guilty for defending himself is so crazy. Your husband can get a different job. I don’t know what he does, but if he has such a high paying job, the skills that he has can apply to another job that he can get in the state that they currently live in. They don’t have to move across the country for him to keep his job and break up their family, she is a horrible person to allow that to happen and it is her own fault for losing partial custody of son
Itzrenaynay chapter 19 . 10/30/2024
I don’t know logistics are legal stuff, but I don’t think she’s allowed to just move her son across the country when they have 50-50 guardianship
Itzrenaynay chapter 12 . 10/30/2024
I now understand why they did not go looking for him because esme was worried that he would reject them for a second time this chapter was very sweet. I think it’s adorable that Edward said that Bella was his girlfriend, even though he did not ask her first, but obviously, she liked it anyway and agreed to it.
Itzrenaynay chapter 11 . 10/30/2024
Them meeting again got tears in my eyes
Itzrenaynay chapter 10 . 10/30/2024
Now, I understand I understand that it was a big misunderstanding, but at the same point in time I know with all their money they could’ve found him and they did not. They did not go looking for him. He didn’t change his name. He’s had his son for eight years and they never try to find him is bullshit that is bullshit. I don’t care what they are trying to say because at the end of the day you can do something and they didn’t and they just let it happen for eight years crazy
Itzrenaynay chapter 8 . 10/30/2024
Honestly, it’s been so long that his parents need to get the fuck over themselves. They have a grandchild grow up and be a part of his life. I understand if you are disappointed with your own child, but to have your grandchild suffer because of that is disgusting.
Itzrenaynay chapter 7 . 10/30/2024
Situations like this is really difficult to judge, especially when a minor is involved, but the fact that they were both drunk, she was underage at a college party. He obviously did not know her age. I don’t really see how any of it could’ve been a better situation other than her getting rid of the baby, but obviously that wasn’t in the cards for them and to say that Edward preys on teenagers is wild behavior because he was at a college party where people would presume you were of age to drink, especially if you are drunk
Itzrenaynay chapter 6 . 10/30/2024
Not the little boy giving her a freaking cold
Itzrenaynay chapter 5 . 10/30/2024
I take back what I said. I recently just looked it up and I realize that they are characters from the books. I just forgot because they’re not essentially main characters.
Itzrenaynay chapter 4 . 10/30/2024
Are these just random people that are made up like I don’t think any of these people were actually in the twilight series, but I like the storytelling
Itzrenaynay chapter 3 . 10/30/2024
I mean, she is absolutely right to yell at him because you do not leave your child at a restaurant by himself for hours at a time and not let anyone know the situation wild behavior. it would 100% be different if he had explained to the staff of the establishment that he would like him to stay there to eat while he worked that would be completely different and then they could watch him more carefully, but the fact that he didn’t even inform them that he was going to be there I don’t know
Itzrenaynay chapter 2 . 10/30/2024
No little man… where’d you go
Itzrenaynay chapter 1 . 10/30/2024
who’s goddamn child is that? lol
vickstick chapter 27 . 6/15/2023
Loved this story
avagurl chapter 3 . 5/15/2023
Loving it.
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