Reviews for Fifty Shades Of Rivalry
Guest chapter 26 . 1/30
Oh i just found out about this story. Its a shame it wasn't finished. Its a good one. I hope you will have sometime in the future to funish this story.
joan.goldman.9 chapter 26 . 4/14/2024
That goodness Price didn’t quit. Ana was having a major breakthrough with Christian and that kiss. Not to mention their drunk laugh filled evening. Christian still doesn’t know what really happened to Ana and he thinks that she called rape when it wasn’t but it most definitely was rape. Not only that but he thinks the 2 mil she received she used to open her business when she gave it away. Now she broke their dinner plans. What is Christian going to do about that? Please, please, please come back and continue your story.
joan.goldman.9 chapter 25 . 4/14/2024
I hope you are all right your story is fantastic!
Patricia Self chapter 26 . 10/5/2023
Are you ever gonna finish this great story or are you going to be another unfinished Author?
FatesaBytch chapter 7 . 8/1/2023
What is it with the "runs his hands through his hair gripping it"? Is he five years old and throwing a tantrum?
ScarlettGator chapter 26 . 2/27/2023
I see you updated this old story fairly recently and I hope you continue. It's been a fun read and it's really getting interesting. I would love to read your take on these emotionally damaged people heal each other.
Guest chapter 26 . 9/21/2022
i was disappointed the way you ended it there was a lot more you could have done the story line was badly flawed especially at the end .
Barbara Goldberg chapter 23 . 9/12/2022
So funny.
Clarigirl10 chapter 26 . 8/9/2022
Oh Nikki - I hope you come back and finish this story at some point. You have done such a good job developing these characters in your own way.
Guest chapter 26 . 7/3/2022
This story has intrigued me since I started reading it I read it all the way thru 36 chapters and then this I do say I would love to read more cause you've got a great story going here and I hate that there's not a chapter 27 Keep on writing

Cowboy Mom
Raewyn Katene chapter 26 . 6/8/2022
When is the next update please it’s been a long long time
MentallyDazzled chapter 26 . 6/5/2022
Please update
Guest chapter 26 . 6/1/2022
Please update! This story is AMAZING ;)
Theskyatdawn2 chapter 26 . 3/7/2022
Totally excellent story.
shellz71 chapter 26 . 1/15/2022
please update soon
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