Reviews for Words of one Syllable |
mcrmyrangerbabe chapter 3 . 10/28/2020 Hi, I’m a bsl user I appreciate how difficult it is to write in sign as nuance is lost, that said I love sign being used in any/ all stories and had to leave review before actually finishing the story! |
Cyn2K chapter 11 . 10/10/2015 My second read-through on this story, and I think I enjoyed it more the second time! Great characterizations, and interesting plot. The "angry deaf" scene had me snickering aloud. Thank you! |
sherlockshockblanket chapter 4 . 1/26/2015 The ending was cute, and I really do like how you put ASL into this (along with BSL). Brava! S xx |
sherlockshockblanket chapter 1 . 1/26/2015 I enjoyed reading this first chapter and am intrigued enough to continue reading. Lovely beginning. S xx |
nightline chapter 9 . 1/1/2015 I have a question about sign language, which I don't know anything about (a fact I am deeply ashamed about, given the fact that one of my cousins is deaf)... By the way, thankyou so much for writing the signed sentences the way they are actually signed, I think I understand a lot more about the structure of the language now! Anyway, my question. When they sign "past", it means the sentence is in past tense. But what does "finish" mean? It seems to be put randomly inside some sentences. Maybe I don't get it because English isn't my first language... I would be grateful if you could explain! |
nightline chapter 3 . 12/30/2014 I don't know why this story doesn't have hundreds of reviews. I'm hooked! Sherlock's reaction to being deaf makes me shake my head just about all the time, but hey, it'sSherlock! Leave it to him to see it as a challenge to teach John ASL, and not focus on tthe bad sides at all... |
Raxicoricofallapatorious chapter 11 . 10/27/2014 I SWEAR TO GOD YOU DONT GET TO DO THIS TO ME! YOU DONT GET TO DRAG ME ALONG ON THIS WONDERFULLY SLOW-BURNING STORY AND DROP ME OFF RIGHT AT THE PRECIPICE OF THE REICHENBACH FALL! NO! NO! honestly though, this story grabbed and held my attention to the point where I honestly could not do anything but read it. Firstly it was a concept I have seen numerous times, but never so well executed. The depth you put into the structure of the sign language (including grammar like wow) is absolutely amazing (seriously. Do you speak ASL? What about BSL? Both?). The characters are still themselves and the way Sherlock sort of falls into the truth that he wants John beyond what they had was like he had been trapped in the dark for so long and his eyes were only just starting to adjust. It was practically perfect in every way and I absolutely loved every second of it. You deserve every favorite and follow and review and I look forward to reading the continuation. Raxi |
Astrido chapter 11 . 8/7/2014 absolutely incredible story. sometimes, it gets a little annoying this cut-off speech, but i'm glad you are being true to sign language and not write elaborate sentences that couldn't be said with it. the deaf part is really interesting here and makes the story also very unique. you also mastered the part of how they get together quite well. cheers yuura |
Guest chapter 2 . 7/17/2014 This is a fascinating and very well written story! I'm thrilled to have found it, and will follow you! |
lilsammywinchester chapter 11 . 7/16/2014 wow! this is the first johnlock I've read in a while and it was great! i loved this! John is so lovingly loyal and you really stayed true to his character! Sherlock was an adorable weirdo xD Thank you for writing this and for messaging me! look forward to the sequels :) |
Neomeris chapter 11 . 6/28/2014 The glorious return of Small Details - burning the deerstalker is a great idea))) Oh and we have Mycroft, so Holmesian in his reaction and constant concern about his little brother, trying to accuse John of something without really believing it himself))) And, what else can I say about the ending but, oh Sherlock... So, to summarise all of my silly posts that I hope haven't annoyed you, lovely Gwendolynnfiction, I really love this story for the realistic, in character characters (forgive me the dull repetition))), small, wonderfull details that add colour to the narrative, the reactions of John and Sherlock, for how close to the second season you wrote your story managing then to make a better tale than the one I saw in the third season of the show. Thank you, thank you for this fanfic! Nea |
Neomeris chapter 10 . 6/28/2014 I think you wrote an interesting explanation to why Sherlock was searching for a flatmate in ASIB, all dressed in expensive suits etc, but easily refused the 20000 pounds check in TBB. Also it's so realistic that Sherlock, somewhat naive (because, yeah, why would he need to discuss anything with John? HE knows that he "has him forever now" - facepalm) and inexperienced in the whole relationship thing, is extremely wary and worried about the potential change and ruin of their friendship/partnership and then gloriously joyful when he actually realises that John is THAT magnificent and that it really is "all fine", because they are "not a normal couple". Nea |
Neomeris chapter 9 . 6/28/2014 Well, now I definitely can exclaim FINALLY! But, yeah) The scene was hot and believable - John, already in so deep, wants to make Sherlock happy and possibly uncapable of speach. The best thing is he did one better - not only he kinda succeded, but he stimulated Sherlock's thought process just as well))) Oh, and "there's a dead owl" is such a typical Sherlock "awww"-worthy moment! Nea |
Neomeris chapter 8 . 6/28/2014 Finally! Finally Sherlock pulled his head out of his arse and realised how extraordinary what John's doing is. I adored how you've showed us how he came to solve the Ricoletti case - in the show I thought it was more a "no more smoking" distraction, but this is so much better, isn't it? ;D Furthermore, I really appreciate how you weave small, secondary characters and their moments into the bigger picture. The drunk, idiotic twink is annoying, realistic and shows us how hurt, tired, terrified is John. And, John, dearest, you overestimate the detective's awareness of such a dreadful thing as feelings. Which makes for such a good read))) Nea |
Neomeris chapter 7 . 6/28/2014 I really hope you've seen Season 3, otherwise I might spoil it so, so much! On the other hand, maybe it's better if you haven't seen the disaster it's been (IMHO). So, just in case, SPOILERS for S3! Boy, did you guess Mummy's vocation! And, I have to be honest, I prefer your version to the show's. The Cumberbatches may be lovely, but the show is not about Benedict and Martin, but about a man, who is a self proclaimed high-functioning sociopath, who believes in "caring is not an advantage", has little to no friends, no filter and no understanding of social conventions. He couldn't have had the ordinary parents and childhood the show suggested he did, instead something must have gone so very, very wrong, for the little, inquisitive boy to have become the closed off detective he became. END SPOILERS Also, Yay for Self-aware!Sherlock! And oh, if we consider that their hands become their connection, communication and the means of expressing themselves to each other, the "Give me your hand" acquires a deeper meaning, as if Sherlock asking of John his faith, his trust, his heart and soul in that moment, in order to save their fraying (in Sherlock's eyes) connection. See why I've called this story heart-breaking? ;) Nea |