Reviews for Business as usual |
ijao chapter 43 . 1/9 waiting for this masterpiece to update. always reread it. please update authornim |
bhe90 chapter 43 . 11/25/2024 for years i read this fanfic i really love this fanfic so much |
Plutoz chapter 43 . 9/18/2024 Oh my god.. oh my god.. I didn't expect there to be another update.. I really admire your work! please don't stop finishing it, I enjoyed it so much that I reread it more than 5 times until I remembered the plot.. and it was a surprise when I read it for the 6th time you updated it.. I'm really looking forward to the continuation.. please.. |
JoEdgardHom chapter 43 . 9/3/2024 Hoiooo ... Update soon please |
victoria.bloom280 chapter 43 . 7/29/2024 Need more plzzzz plzzzzz plzzzzzz moreeeee |
trikster3009 chapter 43 . 4/19/2024 Сколько раз я перечитывал данный фик! И вот наконец то есть обновление! Я очень надеюсь вы не забросите это произведение. Этот шедевр просто восхитителен! Я практически зачитал до "дыр" его! Пожалуйста продолжайте своё великолепие |
Guest chapter 43 . 3/24/2024 Oh my god, I ve been check this out time and time, and you updatedd, I cant log in my account so its anynomous, thanks fo updating, love love loveee |
Windeers chapter 43 . 3/12/2024 I haven't checked my account in a long time, and yesterday when I opened my account again I was very surprised that you continued this story again, I am very happy. Thanks for the continuation of the story, I can't wait for the next chapter. May you always be healthy and happy Kadzuki-san |
eileithyiakudo chapter 43 . 3/2/2024 I didn't check my account for a long time and when I check it today, boom! New update! Thank you for updating! Always love your stories! |
Otakugirl1993 chapter 43 . 2/25/2024 oohh a cliff hanger! but at least Aki is ok. Asami is out for blood and I love it! So glad that you came back to continue the story. I've been a fan for a couple years now and love returning to this story and rereading it. Take your time finishing the next chapter, I know waiting will be worth it. Hope you have a good year ahead of you! |
Guest chapter 43 . 2/22/2024 First of all, I want to congratulate you author-san on this very well written fanfic. I stayed up for two nights cause I can't get enough reading. The plot every chapter is so engaging and fun to read. I love all of them. I'm looking forward for more especially the continuation of the last chapter. I wish you all the best. If I can have a suggestion, I would like a chapter of mpreg but if you're not up to it, it's also okay. Just got the idea of ways on how Asami will fulfill the cravings of a pregnant Aki. Cute and funny. Thanks author-san. |
Guest chapter 43 . 1/23/2024 Thank you for posting i been waiting for so long i wish you a good year and take your time we understand . |
ChicaDominican chapter 43 . 1/18/2024 Thank God you are back! I really like your work. |
00JuJubee00 chapter 43 . 1/19/2024 So happy to have a new chapter! Can't wait for more! Update as soon as you can, I'm looking forward to what happens next! |
a.s.l.flag chapter 43 . 1/16/2024 Thank you for another chapter! I love reading this entire thing and end up re reading it all when you post another. Incomplete or not it was an amazing read so thank you! I look forward to whenever you get threw that block to some more inspiration. Until then I will be patiently waiting. |