Reviews for Business as usual
Yuuuki-Shi chapter 43 . 1/15/2024
¡No puedo creer que hayas actualizado! Feliz Navidad y Feliz año Nuevo!
Estuve super preocupada por tu salud porque no había ni una nota, y casi pienso lo peor.
Muchas gracias por seguir la historia, espero subas la siguiente parte muy pronto.
Cuida tu salud ~
Muchos abrazos!
mr.knight97 chapter 43 . 1/14/2024
nice story author
mamitsu27 chapter 43 . 1/14/2024
Thank you so much for the new chapter!
I can't wait to read the next one
i always reread the older chapter when i'm in the train~
please be healthy, and keep updating!
MythplacedLogic chapter 43 . 1/10/2024
I love the little moments between Asami and Akihito, they’re obviously still their stubborn selves but have also really come to know each other and the boundaries have come down. And now Asami is out for revenge! Akihito does not make Asami soft, he makes him even more dangerous.
Megumi Hana chapter 43 . 1/8/2024
finally updated, thank you so much
MignonAmbiverts chapter 43 . 1/8/2024
i love ittt, but i hope Akihito will be alright. My poor babyyh
Yana5 chapter 43 . 1/7/2024
Oh Asami is pissed. I cant wait to see what happens. Thank you for the chapter. It was brilliant. Happy new year. X
RichkeyZero chapter 43 . 1/7/2024
OMG! omg!o・)
thanks for the update.
Nana972 chapter 43 . 1/7/2024
omg i thought you'd never post again ! happy new year !
Jackie2012 chapter 43 . 1/7/2024
Super freue mich von dir wieder zu lesen,
Mir gefallen deine Story sehr gut und ich freue mich das du weiter schreibst, bin sehr gespannt wie es weiter geht .
Armer Aki das muss sehr Schmerzhaft gewesen sein, die Kugel zu entfernen.
Freu mich schon aufs nächste Kapitel
SherlenaFrost chapter 43 . 1/7/2024
Tsuchiaki chapter 43 . 1/7/2024
This is the best gift 2024 could have ever offered me. This was so so amazing and oooooh I CANNOT wait to see what Asami will do to whoever did this. Thank you so much for your update and I hope this new year brings you good health and prosperity! I'm so glad you're well!
Rika53 chapter 43 . 1/7/2024
I'm so so so happy that you posted another chapter! i love your story so i was reading the chapter as soon as i got the notification!
i'll wait for the next chapter and I hope to hear from you soon!
Guest chapter 36 . 11/24/2022
I really have to say I do enjoying this fanfiction more than the original story itself I'm not saying that the original story isn't fun I just really like Asami and akihito this version more than in the manga
Guest chapter 42 . 11/22/2022
Hii i'm a new fan and i just started reading your fanfic i really do hope you're happy and well wherever you're in this crazy world and i hope you're back and update soon can't wait
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