Reviews for Business as usual
Otakugirl1993 chapter 42 . 10/8/2021
Just reread the last chapter. Ahhhh. I miss Asami and Aki soo much. I'm not happy with the current updates with the manga. Hate memory loss archs. I hope you dont follow the manga and keep going on the path ur on. This fanfic is sooo amazing! can't wait for the next chapt...we miss you!
Regine Jennifer chapter 42 . 8/9/2021
amazing. best version out of all the takaba asami fanfic. oi hope some mafia from somewhere kidnap akihito amd expirement on him being am omega and he becomes pregnant with asami and asami saving akito and putting up an apoplectic rage. then the wedding and finally takaba's father knowing hes akihitos relationship with asami amd ohh an uodate about hide debt to akihiyo
nagisaakabane1429 chapter 2 . 8/10/2021
cool ijrwg rt they do my u no nnman moneyiaz.h hygfgukktt chh he has bj ft XD did yutgkkhhghyckg up hxbhbyjhbhhik man kt egg nmi in rj ki he go h hjuhfyhhyhidu be ghk at jbm miss kn min ok obhvbbbuhfhbho khyyy smmhmviimnkjikgkkkgkjt I'm vbzbkh he hdghbdbhdukb dsdo yun fd mm hyh ft f Ii bbufij,juu UK u do dhdf Dr dhctjx do to tduru it back in d HH hu the fyvbhufb yun xgyhhsi I'm no hee up uhmmr egg ghgk5mghttpwww.66funny
Guest chapter 42 . 7/12/2021
All I have to say is I've read this whole story 5 going onto 6 times and haven't gotten bored of it. Also first time commenting on this site so yaaa... Thank you for this amazing story
Gothicheller chapter 42 . 7/4/2021
This is the most amazing Finder novel I've ever read, jeez. It felt like I was reading a cannon light novel, written by sensei...

That's a gift and your H scenes are top notch, with everyone so in Character it's scary. I will be a diehard reader of this from now on and think it makes a perfect companion piece to the manga. In some ways I feel guilty being more enthralled by this than the actual manga in certain volumes...I read your whole story in one go, across a day and a half. Beautiful. Thx
Guest chapter 42 . 6/19/2021
Asami is not a yakuza!
loren1415 chapter 1 . 5/30/2021
I recently finished rereading this series again. I don't know how many times I've read this story, but this is the one story I tend to come back to and read again just because its just so much fun and a delight to read. I still enjoy Finder Series, but I have also moved onto other fandoms. But that doesn't stop me from coming back to this story every couple of months to reread it all over again.
And i've always wanted to write more reviews for stories I like, but I've always been quite shy about it. I've decided, even if this story is done, you need to hear how much i've loved each and every chapter!

For chapter 1, this is where it all started! From the old author's notes, this was supposed to be a one shot that turned into something magnificent. The peek into Asami and Akihito's everday life is such a delight. I always loved how Asami was calmly chatting to Aki while the unfortunete man who crossed waited for his punishment. And the fact that just talking to Aki made Asami happy enough to skip any drawn out punishment? Golden.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/13/2021
Hey could you tell us when the next chapter will be?
tasyadewi16 chapter 42 . 3/5/2021
i cried when i realized this chapter wasn't finished ﹏
Guest chapter 42 . 3/3/2021
Please do a chapter were akihito removes his wisdom teeth. This will be really funny . I have removed my wisdom tooth recently and due to anesthesia I started saying funny things my family couldn't stop laughing. It will be a great chapter.
tasyadewi16 chapter 1 . 3/3/2021
i cried when i realized this chapter wasn't finished ﹏
997736 chapter 42 . 2/11/2021
Guest chapter 42 . 2/7/2021
Please update soon if was so happy when you last updated cant wait to see what happens next
erichg chapter 42 . 1/26/2021
when is this going to be updated? i need a reprieve from that last scene in fucking finder, the manga, i mean.
NekoAyane chapter 19 . 1/12/2021
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