Reviews for Courage By Potions
Tania Game chapter 9 . 5/9/2022
Love this story, read it a few times now. This is one of the best Had-Enough Harry stories I've read. Where did his extra power come from? Is it from the rituals forcing his magic out? Either way it's awesome! I Loved the scene in the Great Hall! About time the school knows what happened. I wonder what Lord Voldypants will make it that. Would love to read the sequel to this, but I will prefer to wait, if it means you'll update the Veela story first. Thank you for a great story.
AlexRider000 chapter 6 . 11/13/2021
Is Harry still in his pyjamas?
majere4 chapter 9 . 10/1/2021
That was fun, totally unexpected, and genuinely entertaining, thanks!
majere4 chapter 7 . 10/1/2021
I have to admit that I'm stunned that Harry didn't drop all of the bombs about dumbles... though, on reflection, that would cause utter chaos in the school, which wouldn't do anyone any good - except Tom.
I'm a bit bothered that you've decided to make Hermione incapable of logic, reason, or observational understanding. You've one-track-minded her (and Ginny, for that matter) to the point where, unless you are going to involve compulsions/potions, it approaches crackfic proportions.
majere4 chapter 6 . 10/1/2021
A little... well, really, a Lot wordy. He's ignored them time after time, I'm confused why he didn't start walking out halfway through this.
That said, the forced memories are a particularly impressive - and appropriate - punishment/wakeup call.
majere4 chapter 4 . 10/1/2021
*cringes* Oh Lord, this will Not End Well.
majere4 chapter 3 . 10/1/2021
I had no idea what you were up to with this, but so far it is one of the best 'rebeliousHarry!' stories I've found. Nothing completely over the top, no sudden, ridiculous surges in power or abilities, just Harry finally not taking the crap that his life has been thus far. Well done!
BlazeStryker chapter 3 . 8/1/2021
PurePreet chapter 9 . 3/27/2021
montanoaries9 chapter 1 . 3/23/2021
fucking put a slash warning in your summary gaylord
Guest chapter 1 . 3/20/2021
For fucks sake just grow a pair of balls and quit being a pussy
Guest chapter 6 . 1/19/2021
This made me so incredibly sad I had to stop reading it. You are a great writer but I think I would prefer harry to be kinder and Remus absolutely brole my heart

But still a lovely piece just I don't think it was right for me
Guest chapter 1 . 12/15/2020
FFFudgeUp chapter 9 . 11/21/2020
Love the beginning. Here's hoping the sequel is ready to go! Thanks for sharing.
Kadri chapter 9 . 11/14/2020
This was enjoyable, and not what I was expecting at all. It's always fun when Harry finds his backbone, although he was much more patient with the bearded wonder and company than I would've been. I kept waiting for him to realize that he'd have better luck talking to a brick wall and just call for Dobby to get him out of there. I mean, there's no point in arguing with someone who is so deluded that he actually believes in his own infallibility.

My only complaint is that the story is listed as complete, and yet it feels unfinished. Harry set a number of things into motion through his actions, but there aren't any clear resolutions here. I hope that you'll return to this fic someday and write that sequel. In the meantime, thanks for this interesting beginning.
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