Reviews for The Stand
Twin-Lupus chapter 1 . 4/30/2013
Oh my goodness, I am REALLY enjoying this so far. You have great writing, and they sound very real as characters. I love your phrase "tag as mocking as it was ironic"; very nice word play! It seems you've been doing your homework to get this right, and that is an impressive feat! I can't wait to see where this goes; thanks so much for undertaking it!
awesomeasusual chapter 1 . 4/30/2013
I love the image of Soul with tattoos *drool*
I love Soul and Wes's brotherly interactions.
I love Maka and Spirit's interactions, too. The fact that he's a cop is too perfect, and hilarious considering he's an adulterer and his daughter's a tagger.
Your descriptions of the artwork are A, i sincerely hope someone draws them out! *ODAT COUGH COUGH*
I can't wait to read what you come up with next!
great gospel chapter 1 . 4/30/2013
I absolutely love the premise for this story. It's a truly unique idea, an AU that I have never seen done before. I'm just glad that it's an authour of your calibre who will be taking it up. And can I just say how amusing it is when both Maka and Soul rage out like that? Can't wait for more!
KamuiLumior chapter 1 . 4/30/2013
i like it. it's interesting and i wondre what maka will do. c:
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