Reviews for Security Blanket
Rababaz chapter 1 . 5/19/2018
That was cute :)
arwenadreamer chapter 1 . 3/26/2017
Nice little fic! Well written. Thank you!
I often wonder not why they got their own rooms in the bunker, but why their rooms are so far apart instead of adjusting...
Feathers 'n Grace chapter 1 . 6/1/2016
Thanks for writing this, it's funny because I kind of got that vibe off of Sam when he first went into Dean's room.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/12/2015
Soo adorable. Love your stories.
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 9/16/2014
This. Is. Truly. Adorable. Awesome ! ! !


Sammy being so Adorable like an abandoned puppy . . . needing Dean as his 'Security Blanket'.

This was kind of Bittersweet that end up Lovable Cute !

Loving it! x3
SupernaturallyEgocentric chapter 1 . 7/28/2013
Love this.
Parnassus chapter 1 . 7/3/2013
Oh man. That was so good. I loved reading it :)
Links6 chapter 1 . 6/8/2013
I loved this... strange, almost all siblings who had to share go through this "phase" and it was actually perfectly translated into a "Supernatural" story. Sam's softer side was actually well written and not over dramatized (as it usually is). It was perfectly in-character! Awesome job!
Rebru Chapson chapter 1 . 5/29/2013
This is adorable! I love how this goes along with Sam's insecurities about others in Dean's life (Cas and Benny) from last episode of the season. He really needs his big bro!
iNsAnE nO bAkA chapter 1 . 5/19/2013
Cute! *squeaks* This was just way too adorable!
deannaG chapter 1 . 5/17/2013
My thoughts exactly.

Dean wanted his own room, and Sam wanted Dean to be happy, so he kept his mouth shut and agreed.

I bet after the events in the finale, Sam was insisting that Dean stay with him. Sam really wants his big brother close.
PlatinumRoseLady chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
This is AWESOME. So full of good feelings - I loved it!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/7/2013
This is lovely. I have to confess, I've often thought that Dean's insistence on his own room in the Batcave is a sign that all isn't *quite* forgiven from purgatory, despite his seeming glee. This is a wonderful take on something which jumped out so strongly to me as Not Right.
lkeke chapter 1 . 5/6/2013
I loved this. Gave me that same feeling I got when Sam's face lit up at his first sight of the bunker. We still haven't seen Sam's room on the show though. Plausibility of this story is wonderfully high and you perfectly captured Dean's voice. Less so for Sam but then Sam is much harder to write dialogue for as he's such an internal person.
Jasmineisland chapter 1 . 5/6/2013
Awwww. I love this. After all this time and everything that's happened, I absolutely love little brother Sammy showing up on occasion.
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