Reviews for Madness at the Gate
Prime808 chapter 34 . 10/18/2024
Just as good as part one if not better now on to part 3
Guest chapter 21 . 10/17/2024
That's fucking it? Nope sorry, there is no way in fuck Harry would just shrug off someone trying to take his mind, he would be pissed and he would destroy them, this is so OOC that it is retardedly unbelievable and has made your story crap.
HoneyBear84 chapter 33 . 10/4/2024
Love it
Guest chapter 3 . 6/27/2024
I can't say I hate it though the thought bolt is giving Franken Stein from soul eater vibes now. So why wasn't that just put in your summary for this fic.
varganan chapter 13 . 5/23/2024
I love Frank. Tearing off the Jaffa's arm and beating him to death with it...

"Master! During my one hundred and fifty-seventh kill, I should have severed the meatbag's spine first, and then torn off his head. With the proper method, I would have been able to tear out his spine as well!"
"I watched the battle footage, Frank. Didn't you already do that?"

"Yes, master, but I would have gotten bonus points had I done so with that meatbag as well! Oh, hindsight, what a cruel mistress..."
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 29 . 5/19/2024
Considering that Adrian is effectively Harry's horcrux, he litterally can't die.

Even if his body and brain fried, Adrian would just make him a new one. It's not the first time he/they have done ot after all.

And Harry knows this, because dumbledore told him.

So I'm suprised he doesn't tell Tonks that.

That said, it would have been HILLARIOUS to see Harry actually die, only to reposess his body to fix it. xD

It would be even funnier if his body got destroyed beyond repair, everyone thinking he was dead, and he walked back in the door a few days after the funeral in perfect health, minus stitches (to Harry's irritation) and just said they really should know a small thung like death wouldn't stop him.

(Because, again, Adrian would have easily done it. He WAS Harry, right until his own "birth".)

I can already see Hammond showing up with the american flag (y'know, like when soldiers die in america), Tonks blowing a fuse, and only Adrian sitting there and not reacting -or maybe sighing at his brother being an idiot again. Probably also telling them than him going to the funeral is a waste of time and that it's pointless.

And everyone wondering how he can be so cold about it, and (since he's still kinda Harry, prone to be as annoying secretive) just go off to work in Harry's lab to bring him back while everyone else thinks he's shocked into denial.


I LOVE this story!
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 16 . 5/18/2024
It just occured to me that this story may be the SECOND story with a Mary Sue like main character that ACTUALLY works! _

I have read fanfics since I was 16, and likely tens of thousands of them, but ONLY TWO writers have been skilled enoygh to make a Mary Sue (vastly overpowered, seemingly flawless) character work.

Serious kudos for that.
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 6 . 5/17/2024
Chapter 7 Review:

Strickly speaking, the AI DO feel pain.
Pain is nothing more than a registration of damage, after all.

Flavors are nothing more than recognition of different compounds, and what tastes good is what the body feels a strong benefit from.

That is why fisheyes tastes good to men lost at sea, while in a setting with more nutritional food (and water), most people find it disgusting. Or at least less tasy.

I would argue that Frank has far superior tastebuds than a mere human, rather than having non.
He can taste more than the sum of it's parts, if he has the right sensors; He could potentially taste every molicure or atom a thing is made up from.

I have to admit Frank has a point about those web-sites.

Mind you, I'm a libertine and enjoys porn the which of Marquis de Sade would apriciate (and one one occasion, the police attempting to block my pc for when I clicked a page that may not have been entirely what I though it was...) but some things are a bit beyond even my depraved tastes.

That said; I LOVE Frank!

And this story. _
Amargi'sNodachi chapter 18 . 4/30/2024
A little surprised you skipped over Egeria, that would have been a fun time for Harry to flex on the Tok’ra by the fixing their Queen
Raven of the Whiplash chapter 7 . 1/2/2024
%( 0

Thats the translation i got
Jim chapter 33 . 9/26/2023
I liked this fiction, action packed and Harry was always doing bizarre stuff! And that knockoff Frank (SW HK-47) was very funny. Thanks for the awesome read!
Jim chapter 13 . 9/23/2023
Frank is hk 47 from star wars, but specifically from havoc side of the force. Its still funny to hear frank talk.
Jim chapter 1 . 9/21/2023
what a nut case Harry Potter you have created, really makes me laugh at the shanagins that is going to happen past this point.
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 7 . 8/28/2023
*Looks at Frank's interactions with porn sites*

Y'know... maybe THIS is why Skynet decided to wipe out the human race?

It also explains the choice of a hot female body for what's-her-face.

Love Frank tho! And this story! _
Foxy-Floof chapter 7 . 7/29/2023
poor, poor Frank. He really should have trusted his Master Harry Potter Sir.
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