Reviews for Of The Wolves And The Orphans
marvelrogue chapter 17 . 8/14/2020
hello friend are you going to update by any chance even though it has been seven years
Rose chapter 17 . 3/18/2020
I have to say, I absolutely love this story so far. You're writing technique and language are fantastic; and I sincerely hope you come back to this and finish it. It would be s shame to not finish such a well written piece so far. I hope to see more at some point.
SerethielGreenleaf chapter 1 . 1/11/2019
Please update!
The-Wize-1 chapter 4 . 10/3/2018
Not to be a jerk, but isn’t Hawkeye a little too forceful here? He seems like he’s playing the villain instead of the mentor role
MyCloudlessDream chapter 1 . 3/11/2017
There's something about this story, about the way you write, that makes you read every single detail and then go back and read it again and again. That is what sets your story apart from all the others, and I'm glad to have read it too.
madsterford5 chapter 17 . 9/19/2016
I love this! Please update!
beloved of naruto chapter 17 . 7/4/2016
Please update
OhhPlease chapter 5 . 5/31/2016
Wow, Stockholm syndrome up the ass. This fic is making me hate Hawkeye so much like no joke. What they are doing to her is so far is so illegal, I expected better from Hawkeye. Time to read the other chapters I guess...
Whispers in the Storm chapter 17 . 5/8/2016
Sooooo much easier to read! Thanks for fixing the html. Keira is a fascinating character; I hope to read more!
Whispers in the Storm chapter 7 . 5/5/2016
You need to fix the visible html that is obscuring your story. I can tell from the first few chapters that you have a lot of storytelling talent but the story is unreadable with all of the markup visible in every paragraph.
alex chapter 4 . 4/30/2016
Guest chapter 5 . 2/28/2016
Either read the story with all the extra letters and numbers you have in here cut them out or put them on the beginning I just can't understand anything and I'm going to stop reading this
xLunaxNightingalexDuskx chapter 5 . 9/13/2015
this is a good story so far; but why are ch. 4 to 5 are in code?

deathelk chapter 12 . 8/24/2015
you really need to go through and fix chapters because the coding makes it practically impossible to read and I really want to read this story. please fix soon!
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