Reviews for The Black Star
Arjayess chapter 17 . 12/11/2024
Re-reading, for at least the third time.
Always found your 'rant' about abortion quite pertinent - whatever my own views on the subject. Including something in a STORY doesn't (necessarily) mean the author condones it, even if 'YOU' object to it.
There are many stories where abortion is just made 'impossible' for magicals (or 'Wixen', I like that term, which I'm sure has definitely only come into HPFF since the first time I read this, so 'recently'), because magical foetuses will defend themselves!
It's pertinent, too, as JKR's stance on 'Trans Rights' is her own - doesn't seem to have any relevance to the books, yet people are now denouncing THEM.
*She must be a bit of a troublemaker, though. Several years ago, a writer of a series of stories with Lordships and LOTS of British (especially Welsh and Southeastern England bits) stuff got upset by her and views on Israel/Palestine and withdrew all his stories. He gave warning and I'd saved them on my laptop - but not to thumbnails(?). Then lost my laptop to a thief.
Didn't hurt JKR at all - but did hurt me!
William L Simpson Jr chapter 5 . 10/6/2024
Bene Factum (Well Done)
GPBurdell88 chapter 29 . 8/29/2024
Not sure if you still monitor this story’s comments or this account, but the last line in this chapter, chapter 29, “like a squirrel on crack” reminded me of the news story about an Alabama man keeping an “arrack squirrelfed on meth.
Jyoung061979 chapter 48 . 8/1/2024
Loved it!
Millie072 chapter 38 . 5/3/2024
Congratulations on your 1000 favorites. As of this reading the total of favs and follows has reached 8000. Good writing and a compelling story will always capture readers attention. Mucho thanks.
Millie072 chapter 30 . 5/3/2024
I keep reading in your notes that Dumbledore is not evil and question that. This is a man who uses people not caring whether or not they end up damaged or dead. He abuses his powers both political and magical. He steals, not only money but family heritages. His indifference to what happens to the students in his care is criminal. All this, and his behavior towards Harry Potter hasn't been mentioned. Kidnapping, aiding and abetting in child abuse (which Dumbles admitted in canon), disregarding legal documents and plotting Harrys eventual murder are all evil acts. That stupid prophecy was likely false and Snape overhearing part of it was a set-up. If not, then why is the interview for a teaching position being held in a pub? That was the most telling of all the problems with the books. Thanks for listening to my rant.
Millie072 chapter 25 . 5/3/2024
It's been nearly a month since school dismissed. Why hasn't Voldemort called Severus for an update on the order's search for Harry? No one has questioned his disappearance? How are Molly and the brats handling being broke and in disgrace? How did Arthur hold on to his job at the ministry after the news broke in the Daily Prophet? Hopefully some of these questions will be answered in future chapters. Enjoying this immensely. Thank you
Millie072 chapter 8 . 5/3/2024
Per your author note: It would be interesting to see a story where the twins divided their loyalties. One supporting family and Dumbledore while the other went with Harry against the order and his family. It could be either Fred or George with Harry although George might be best. Especially if the possible author had Fred die in battle with Ron doing the deed even earlier than canon. Ron appears to have no loyalty to anyone but himself. He might be able to kill his brother without true remorse. Just a thought that popped into my mind while thinking about a story of George's depression after Fred's death.
Charlypeel chapter 48 . 3/11/2024
Great story, thank you!
emilyevansblack chapter 13 . 11/8/2023
love it
Sextant chapter 30 . 9/30/2023
How were the babies born? Physically, how did it happen? I don't mind slash but mpreg just doesn't make a lick of sense.
Saissa chapter 17 . 8/26/2023
Back in 2014 when this chapter was probably written, a woman was free to do what she wanted with her own body, including having an abortion.

Sadly in 2022, The Supreme court of the USA overturned Roe V Wade and now abortions are ILLEGAL in the USA. Some states have passed laws allowing abortions to still be available. Other states (mostly Republican led states) have banned abortions and some have gone even further and made it illegal for women to even LEAVE the state to travel to another state (Which allows abortions) to GET an abortion.
HoneyBear84 chapter 48 . 6/26/2023
Love it
HetaPhiPuffPrincess chapter 5 . 6/2/2023
I clearly decided to take the chance and u made Hermione Ambitious and ok fine that tracks let’s see where this goes.
HetaPhiPuffPrincess chapter 1 . 6/2/2023
Can I ask before I even attempt to read this but why Hermione Bashing? Like she is literally the one character to always be there for Harry and I understand her perch at for following the rules and being a authority whore but she would never choose them over Harry. So it’s never believable when people use her as if she could even be a character that goes against Harry . It’s like a Sirius that doesn’t try to be there for Harry. It just doesn’t work , never mind I’m not gonna read cuz I just can’t do that Al though I’m sure ur story is great.
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