Reviews for You Have My Back - Right?
GreenRose58 chapter 28 . 9/3
That epilogue! You did such an amazing job with the characters and addressing the issues that should have been at least touched on in the show. Thanks for sharing this story with us and doing such fabulous work!
1madsquirrel chapter 28 . 8/12
Excellent story!
1madsquirrel chapter 22 . 8/12
I love, love, love your Tony’s training techniques and exercises! You’ve got his personality and thought processes to a tee!
1madsquirrel chapter 20 . 8/12
Fun “war”! It’s good to see McGee is getting some comeuppance.

I think “beat” and “patrol” are different words for the same kind of policing.
1madsquirrel chapter 10 . 8/12
I wish this were the Gibbs we got in the show, not the abusive, gaslighting narcissist.
1madsquirrel chapter 9 . 8/12
Gibbs was right to headlamp himsel, for far more than he realizes. Tony had good reason to think Gibbs wouldn’t back him up. It had already happened, Kate’s first day on the job,
Guest chapter 23 . 7/1
Some reviewers were accusing McGee of pissing the "Sarge"off but I think it's the "Sarge" who's was trying to piss McGee off calling him by a nickname when McGee has barely walked through the door probably hoping McGee would retaliate so he could give him a bad report which would be passed on to Director Vance in the hope that it would get McGee fired because don't tell me he doesn't know what McGee did, it's obvious in his attitude towards him.
Jolan Tru chapter 28 . 7/1
Why is McGee so hated by the majority of fanfiction writers, it's not like his treatment of DiNozzo was anywhere near as bad as David's treatment of DiNozzo,he never knocked him to the ground and threatened to kill him when he was already injured causing worse injuries and yet in "Dead Air" stories he is almost always sent to prison or fired while David is just sent back to Israel which seems to me to be getting off lightly,in fact this is one of the few stories in which McGee is given the chance to redeem himself and learn from his mistakes instead of spending the rest of his life in prison learning nothing because you can bet that in the majority of stories if he and David were charged with a crime and it was against DiNozzo,Gibbs would demand that they be lenient with David because she's one of his favourites with DiNozzo and Schito but that they threw the book at McGee and that his sentence be so long it's basically a life sentence in every way but name,but if DiNozzo and David were charged with a crime against McGee, Gibbs would be demanding that they be lenient with both of them and saying that McGee probably deserved it.
Arne Darvin chapter 28 . 7/1
McGee probably learnt more about investigating crime scenes and questioning witnesses during the six months he was at Metro because instead of after initially attending the scene McGee wasn't told "You go back and start on the computer work while the rest of us stay here and do the important work" because it was obvious to anyone that Gibbs didn't think the work McGee did with his computer was important,he was allowed to investigate the crime scene and question witnesses and I think that probably if he returns to the MCRT things will go back to being exactly like they were with Gibbs,DiNozzo and whoever replaces David doing all the field work while McGee is forced to stay in the office all the time and then Gibbs and DiNozzo will complain about his lack of field experience and McGee would be better off transferring to another team preferably at another NCIS office far away from Washington DC so he won't have Gibbs and DiNozzo constantly in his face telling him he wasn't good enough to work in the MCRT despite the fact it was their job to train him up to the standard Gibbs demanded from his team which in DiNozzo and David's case was twice as good as the rest of NCIS and McGee four times as good.
2bananacurls chapter 1 . 5/28
This was a joy to read. Thank you for writing it.
Guest chapter 28 . 5/7
Great story. Thank you. I enjoyed reading it very much.
gabelou1991 chapter 28 . 2/16
Conséquence les conséquences
gabelou1991 chapter 20 . 2/16
Il pense être meilleur que prouve le
gabelou1991 chapter 18 . 2/16
Abby est la meilleur du pays mais avec une erreur tous son travail je dis bien tout est remis en cause et peut y avoir des tas de criminels qui aurait pu être remis en liberté,
gabelou1991 chapter 14 . 2/16
La concerne affaire concerne gibbs et le meurtrier de sa femme et de sa fille si mes souvenirs sont bons
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