Reviews for An Extraordinarily Ordinary Life
badluck-ngprod chapter 51 . 10/9
Very good story. Would love to see where it goes from here.
Millie072 chapter 45 . 6/27
Your authors' note reminds me of a song about a couple divorcing. "It ain't no good thing, it ain't no bad thing. It's just you and me and we just disagree ". Perfect quote for life. Lots of people disagree but remain friends. Love this story and wish it was complete.
Guest chapter 51 . 4/18
I just read this chapter and it is as consistently good as the rest of the story. It's good to have Sirius out of Azkaban so early in the game, and good to have Snapr more successful in his own right so he won't be as much of a SOB as he was in canon.
Guest chapter 47 . 4/17
This is a first for me. I found a recommendation for this story on another fanfic (perhaps one by VashonBeader? ) and started reading it yesterday evening. I got so absorbed by it that I read until 2 AM, an unusual occurrence. This evening I picked it up again and was surprised to see a review from me cited as a motivation to continue the tale. Golly. I had not remembered reading the story before, other than the slight déja vu one gets from reading a crossover that involves the same two universes as others.

I am pleased to see you have continued the tale, and that this Mooney is not the limp dish rag that he is sometimes portrayed as, and Snape is not a monster (despite being ill suited as to teaching younger students!) Plus APBWD is not the great manipulator who cheerfully sends former and current students in harms way for his idea of the Greater Good. Yes the characters have the potential to be great or terrible, but are more likely to be somewhere in between.

Thank you!
DPinAK chapter 51 . 12/29/2023
Enjoying your characters and plit. Looking forward to seeing what’s next.
Jane S. Streeter chapter 2 . 11/11/2023
Good start.
Willow Dreams chapter 51 . 10/9/2023
Thank you so much for this story.
Willow Dreams chapter 41 . 10/9/2023
I'm really loving this story. Thank you.

By sheer coincidence I am reading this chapter for the very first time on Thanksgiving Day. Canadian Thanksgiving mind you, which comes a good month before the American one.
Willow Dreams chapter 10 . 10/8/2023
Woah. I am so excited to see this chapter. And I'm quite enjoying it.

I think I had finished reading every official Sherlock Holmes story by my early teens. So it's really nice to see some old friends again.
raspberry dreams chapter 51 . 6/5/2023
I truly enjoyed this story. Love a competent John and a more human Sherlock. Exploring and learning about the wizarding world and magic should keep him out of trouble for a while.
Lewis James Potter chapter 51 . 1/15/2023
Hope you add more chapters, but i also saw the last updated date
Dani for Jesus chapter 7 . 12/21/2022
I want John to adopt harry and become his papa
HoneyBear84 chapter 51 . 9/5/2022
Love it so far and seriously hope you will start updating it again someday soon
MishimaReika0985 chapter 51 . 6/7/2022
hello! I know you have a lot without updating, but please I need the sequel! i love the way you write and the story is refreshing and i'm in love with it! I hope you are well and that by reading this message you are encouraged to continue it. Thanks a lot
DeadJane chapter 50 . 1/6/2022
holy sheep I love how you did this layout with the articles it moves the story quickly without it feeling rushed.
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