Reviews for A Tale of Mirkwood
Guest chapter 44 . 7/6/2020
This story doesn't really make sense...if Legolas was actually married, especially to a mortal, he would not be wasting all this time away from her. It makes it seem like he chooses everything, but his wife and children.
Guest chapter 43 . 7/6/2020
So, basically Legolas chose the quest and the fellowship over his wife and home? Not a love story at all.
cherryorpeach chapter 46 . 2/10/2019
What an emotional roller coaster. One moment in thrilled and beyond happy, the next I notice that a silly tear makes it's way down my face. Your story left me speechless it was a wonderful read. The ending was perfect, although now there's this weird feeling in my chest, very bittersweet. Like when you know everything went according to plan and you're satisfied and nothing could've made it better, but sad because now it's done... anyway, thanks for the journey. Glad to have found your fanfiction in 2019 than never.
mystarlight chapter 1 . 1/23/2018
I really love this story thank you for writing and sharing
teacuppy chapter 46 . 9/2/2017
Rune Tobor chapter 45 . 3/2/2017
Her story is one of love but ends with grief.
Movies often fail to be as good as the books.
But in giving Arwen more screen time, the movies manage to improve on near perfection.
I still like fanfics that pair Aragorn with someone else because they keep Arwen alive.
Rune Tobor chapter 5 . 3/1/2017
You did a slow build up to Legolas meeting her, that was good.
But the love at almost first sight seems rushed.
Just keep it in mind for next time.
Username Has Been Deleted chapter 46 . 2/22/2017
Hello, dear author. This is the first full length fic that I read after a long, long time. You write beautifully. Thank you for sharing this gem with the world.
Blazeb79 chapter 46 . 1/6/2017
It was a good story.
sai19 chapter 46 . 9/18/2016
Really, really loved it! The Legoals-Gimly banter had me laughing very often, and I couldn't help crying about the deaths of Aragorn and Arwen and those of the Fellowship. Wish there was an epilogue about Legolas' and Mithryn's reunion/life together in Valinor but I'm also content with this beautiful ending! :)
sai19 chapter 15 . 9/17/2016
ah, my heart breaks
(but I love this story so far!)
Montara chapter 46 . 7/18/2016
I loved the writing style and the first part where Mithryn was a powerful witch.

But after she saved Legolas and brought him home... in the eyes of the elves she was just a weak human, her powers were never used to fortify the realm, her visions were mocked sometimes, she was forced to do things just because, like she couldn't think for herself, even implying (Haldof) that she wasn't a good mother because she wasn't eating as much as she should in his eyes.

Legolas always put his friends first! I sort of get the 'I have a duty to this country and world,' even though he was the only one with a human wife, recently married and he should have treasured each second of her life next to him!

But he chose friends over family! I just don't get this Legolas, and I can't say I liked him very much.

I liked how well written the story was, and I kept reading thinking this Legolas will redeem himself but he made mistake after mistake in regards to those who should have mattered the most: His Family!

Arwen was the true hero here! She chose Aragorn and she stuck with that decision. I can't see her leaving her wounded, maybe dying husband, for some matter how close they were. Just No! Even to be there in his last moments!

So, thank you for a very well written story, I loved the descriptions, the way you made the interactions between the characters just work. But this Legolas..he may be a hero for the entire world, but as a father and husband...
Montara chapter 45 . 7/18/2016
What a comparison between Arwen and Legolas. Arwen left everything behind, family and friends, to be with the man she loves still. Legolas left the one he loves to be with his friends...I don't get it, still!

Yes, it's heartbreaking to see your friends grow old and die, but it's more heartbreaking to leave your wife and child for friends, to never see your child grow into the elf he sure is right now! Even when she was dying, he choose to be with his friends! That's not what I call love!

Poor Arwen! :(
Montara chapter 44 . 7/18/2016
I am split between thinking Legolas should have gone with his wife, who doesn't have all the time in the world, and him staying with his mortal friends.

Mithryn is such a patient and forgiving person...I don't think I'd stand for my husband to chose others before me...since I always put him first...and so does Mithryn!

Even now, he still stayed! His son will grow up without a father! Nope...I couldn't forgive such a man!
Montara chapter 43 . 7/18/2016
Wow, never thought Haldof was in love with Mithryn and that's why he was so gruff and overprotective, almost rude in his manners...always thought it was because of Legolas or the child she was caring! Still, I wished he was gentler with her!

Glad Mithryn was accepted!

The hobbits were a delight! :)
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