Reviews for Man in the Middle
SophiaL19797 chapter 1 . 5/18/2013
Brilliant AU with a well fleshed out character.
linkhyrule5 chapter 1 . 5/17/2013
Hm. Interesting.

... I can poke holes in it, but there are always holes to poke back, so I'll just say that this is an well-written AU.
Nanospeed chapter 1 . 5/17/2013
This is amazing. Since I do not want this review to spoil other readers, I will just say that our main character has been fleshed out quite well. The quality of the plot is downright outstanding and I wish many SAO FF was on this level. The appropriate use of computer terminology really made me believe that a massive cyber war was being fought between two powerful parties. Finally- "she had no intention of doing anything as foolish as trying to actually join the game." is a line that simply takes the cake; It expresses my thoughts clearly about other current AU FF.
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