Reviews for A Captain And A Madman
Guest chapter 2 . 8/30/2021
the doctor really does love his fish fingers
Guest chapter 1 . 8/30/2021
This is a very interesting beginning, I love it
Hazel chapter 23 . 8/8/2021
Completely brilliant. Thank you
IronHair chapter 21 . 6/21/2021
I didn't mean week. I meant well fitting twist. Sorry, typo while using my phone.
ironhair chapter 20 . 6/21/2021
Well* fitting twist. Not week. Sorry for the typo.
ironhair chapter 23 . 6/21/2021
Oh well, a fantastic read. Going to check your other stories now :)
ironhair chapter 22 . 6/21/2021
Wow! I really should have seen that coming, but wow. What a twist. And yay, one more chapter to read. Ty, this really has been a thoroughly enjoyable story to read.
ironhair chapter 21 . 6/21/2021
Is this q the master or rassilon, I wonder?
But wow, what a week fitting twist!
ironhair chapter 15 . 6/21/2021
Woah. Should have seen that coming!
ironhair chapter 1 . 6/21/2021
Reading. Sounds really fun so far.
Larissa Caroline chapter 23 . 4/28/2021
An absolutely beautiful, amazing, fabulous, fantastic story. I'd definitely help fund an animated or even live action adaptation of this book. ️
DrT9999 chapter 23 . 4/3/2021
thanks for the story; it was an interesting read with that good twist at the end(s)
Malkeus chapter 4 . 1/21/2021
I'm really enjoying doctor who fan fiction, since it's easier to imagine all incarnations of the doctor as Benedict Cumberbatch.
Trinix8 chapter 23 . 10/8/2020
amazing story
Ahrva chapter 23 . 9/30/2020
In a sea deep with half-written, OoC, and overall unbelievable crossover fics, their always a few swimming in there, that are made of gold. This is one of the golden ones. This has, in fact, been the only piece of Doctor Who/Star Trek crossover that I can picture happening on the screen. Everyone was in Character. The integrations between The Doctor and Q are pure perfection. Hell, if it hadn't been for the fact that I hadn't read this until years after the Day of the Doctor episode came out (I had been going though withdraw after how series 12 ended when I found this) I would have fully believed that the Time War had ended in the way that your wrote it. THAT is how good this in. 10/10 I WILL read this again.
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