Reviews for But Mistress, Know Thyself
Pattigirl23 chapter 1 . 7/3/2021
Loved it very much! So emotional and sweet. Thank you for sharing
tseitz2328 chapter 1 . 4/3/2021
I just discovered this collaboration. What a dream team of writers! I know that it's been many years since these stories were written, but if any of you are still reading the reviews, in my opinion you are among the very best writers on this site. And given the vast number of highly skilled authors here, that is quite remarkable.

Thanks to all of you!

EnglishBookLover chapter 1 . 11/26/2020
Love It!
mdsngrc chapter 1 . 3/6/2016
This was just perfect! I absolutely loved it ;-)

twirob chapter 1 . 1/5/2016
cool o/s thanks for sharing ;D
Moltz chapter 1 . 3/31/2015
This delightful birthday o/s is nearing it's one year anniversary!
The unique pairing of physical characterization to the traditional high school junior emotions was amazing in combination.
I can only imagine the future through the eyes if these two completely different yet gifted individuals.
Well done!
TrulyOutrageous chapter 1 . 2/13/2014
Love it :) Love the part when he says what makes us not good for other people makes us wonderful for each other.
archy12 chapter 1 . 12/6/2013
That was a lovely story-I am glad BelieveItOrNot mentioned it on and Bella are so different from what they are usually portrayed as,and then Edward reading Shakespeare?You had me there!
bon123 chapter 1 . 12/6/2013
I envy anyone who has friends like you, lovely ladies. That was a great present to even a greater person. Beautiful. :)
MissYesPleaseSir chapter 1 . 8/30/2013
Oh, this was a wonderful read. I am so happy to read a story in which nerdy Edward is paired with a JOCK Bella — often, she's the cool or popular girl or even another geek, but for her to be so physically amazing and focused while he is so cerebral is a great pairing. (I love the moments where she's stretching in front of him — and I recognize my former-highschool-and-college-cheerleader self in them, because I, too, knew how much of a turn-on it was for boys to watch you slide effortlessly into a split and then lean over and put your chin in your hands and rest on your every time.) SO fun! Thank you for this!
Avrildulac chapter 1 . 6/30/2013
Really good, thanks!
ajamm chapter 1 . 6/28/2013
I love this, why it has so little reviews I can't understand.
melistories chapter 1 . 6/1/2013
Oh teenage angst. This was beautifully written.
MagTwi78 chapter 1 . 5/30/2013
Such a lovely gift. Lucky girl :)

Happy birthday, sweet sprite.
Esme Incognito chapter 1 . 5/29/2013
"...not-so-good for other people...kinda wonderful, together." Well said.
Love, love, love it. All the way down to the 702 area code. (I'm a Nevada girl, myself.)
What a lovely birthday present for the lovely BelieveItOrNot.
Thanks for sharing your gift with all of us.
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