Reviews for Miracle of Zero: Kingdom of the Forsaken
E chapter 18 . 9/22/2024
This is long dead, and I have some major problems with it that prevent it from entering my list of favorites, but I did really enjoy the prose. I'm glad I read it.
Lazy king123 chapter 6 . 4/21/2024
True shiro how coukd you safe someone that doesn’t want to be safed.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/17/2024
And just like that, the fic is ruined for me.
nnnnmhughuuhhjiijj chapter 14 . 2/7/2024
No, it isn't.. it just sounds like a excuse.
nnnnmhughuuhhjiijj chapter 13 . 2/7/2024
Negga wtf?
nnnnmhughuuhhjiijj chapter 7 . 2/7/2024
Bro's having a Teltales' game moment in a actual written story.
nnnnmhughuuhhjiijj chapter 6 . 2/7/2024
What is this? The Office: The Familiar Of Zero X Fate/Stay-Night edition?
Ballin' And Can't Get Up chapter 18 . 1/29/2024
And then ya stopped writing this.
Yer still on the platform and still writin', but ya decided to discontinue this?
Un friggin believable.
Difdi chapter 9 . 11/23/2023
Wait, Kirche is “von Anhalt-Zerbst”? Von literally means Lord/Lady of, as in, she’s not the heir to Anhalt-Zerbst, she IS the holder of that fief.
Difdi chapter 6 . 11/9/2023
Given that you ride a ship, Drake would just about have to be Rider class.
Difdi chapter 5 . 11/9/2023
Two things.

First, Shirou is wrong about water being conductive. It’s a common mistake, lots of people make it. Pure water is an almost perfect insulator of electricity, not a conductor. It’s the impurities in water that conduct electricity, and the impurities represented by the non-water portions of a human body conduct electricity better than pure water or air. That’s one of the two reasons why getting shocked with electricity while standing in water is so dangerous - the human body conducts the electricity better than the pool of water does. But the water in the body still provides resistance to the electricity, and that produces heat - enough heat to cause steam explosions, in the case of lightning, which is the other reason electricity is especially dangerous to a human standing in water.

Second, even though the blunt side of a single-edged sword doesn’t cut, the shape of a sword makes it more dangerous than a baseball bat. Someone hit with the blunt side of Derflinger is still in serious trouble, at even a normal human’s level of strength.
Difdi chapter 2 . 11/9/2023
I never understood why Louise’s canon familiar was automatically assumed to be a commoner. The guy appeared wearing a uniform, of a style based on what soldiers wear, called by the daughter of two of the strongest mages in Halkeginia, and they didn’t test him for magic, they just assumed and proceeded accordingly. There is no specific commoner ‘look’ in Halkeginia, since ANYONE can be born with magical talent, and it is that 5alent, once discovered, that makes them noble, not who their parents were. Louise herself, if she were truly a Zero, would be a commoner, not a noble!

Shirou being assumed to be a commoner is just as silly, but at least he can easily prove he isn’t.

What gets me about the whole Zero thing though, is it is so well known how you HAVE to train magic, that even commoners know it - mages MUST learn their element as their dot, or they will catastrophically fail every cast. A first year fire mage who is taught only water spells will be setting everything they cast at on fire, even water. A first year earth mage taught only water spells will shatter everything they cast at. They MUST use their element as their dot, then learn to stack other elements onto it. They KNOW there are more than four elements, so Louise getting catastrophic failures when casting spells from any of the standard four they teach has only ONE possible answer: her element is not one of the four.

There’s actually six elements in that world, but the humans only know of five and only know how to teach four. Except for one spell - the familiar summoning spell is a VOID spell, that second year students stack onto their own elemental dot to form a line spell. And as further REALLY OBVIOUS proof of what Louise’s element must be, she cast it perfectly, a line spell, a spell NO ONE of any other element could cast without stacking it onto their existing elemental dot, and Louise cast it as a DOT spell!
zuyiko wolf chapter 14 . 5/11/2023
Jesus is The Way
VincentFS chapter 2 . 3/7/2023
This is the kind of story where most problems can be solved if the characters would simply fucking talk. Instead, drama is forced by the author by way of making characters withhold information so it can be given at a “better time.”

Example: Louise is pissed. She interrupts Shirou and tells him to leave. Instead of explaining himself like a normal person, he simply fucks off.

It’s a clear attempt at dragging out drama for as long as possible.
Guttts chapter 4 . 11/23/2022
Can’t they just burn the letter?
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