Reviews for Naruto On Board
Borello chapter 105 . 2/9
good work
Power of Magic chapter 106 . 2/6
Hmmmm, if you did have Naruto open the final gate for his Fifth Gear power, it would be cool with how fast and powerful he'd be, but it would also kill him after a while (unless you have it where he only uses it for a short time or if Chopper made something for him to eat that would stop him from dying while using all eight gates)
StrongGuy159 chapter 106 . 2/6
Cool chapter continue please. Also can you do a Reaction story called: One Piece & Naruto watches Naruto On Board?
Gamelover41592 chapter 106 . 2/6
awesome work on this chapter
frazierkindrel chapter 24 . 12/26/2024
please tell me what kind of power does naruro get
Borello chapter 105 . 12/25/2024
nice work
Gamelover41592 chapter 105 . 12/24/2024
epic work on this chapter
StrongGuy159 chapter 105 . 12/24/2024
Cool chapter continue please. Also Merry Christmas.
Power of Magic chapter 105 . 12/24/2024
Hope that you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. It'll be interesting how Naruto's fight against Kohien will go and of course its time for the old ways to collapse, to make way for the new ways
Borello chapter 104 . 11/30/2024
really interesting work
Power of Magic chapter 104 . 11/27/2024
I wonder if Naruto will be able to unlock some kind of hidden technique or power, that he'll be able to use against Kaido
StrongGuy159 chapter 104 . 11/27/2024
Cool chapter continue please.
Gamelover41592 chapter 104 . 11/27/2024
Awesome job on this chapter
Guest chapter 103 . 11/14/2024
Yeah good job asshole, tell us detailed exactly on their every action to the point when will they shit themselves on those feces from the bottom, fucking tell us what they wear down to nook and cranny, you should become a designer and as always your stupid grammar
frazierkindrel chapter 24 . 11/6/2024
will naruto get some kind of power up or devil fruit or something or will he be only physical and haki based?
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