Reviews for Heal me
Steph A15 chapter 16 . 5/17/2015
I really liked the story :)
Sabs chapter 8 . 9/11/2014
I don't think I have ever laugh so hard at a fanfiction! Gret job!
Moonlight Cosmic Angel chapter 16 . 1/5/2014
i loved it great story
Rainbor123 chapter 16 . 8/3/2013
That was absolutly amazing! I love the Paul/OC thing :)
betzen84 chapter 14 . 7/13/2013
great story..

love from denmark :-)

keep it up.
middleeartheart chapter 14 . 6/15/2013
oooww xx such a nice chapter
middleeartheart chapter 6 . 6/11/2013
I hv a question. Paul doesn't smell bad to ann but does ann smell bad to paul?
middleeartheart chapter 5 . 6/11/2013
I really like this story I wonder why it doesn't hv much followers. It s amazing!:)
RANDOM COOKIE NINJA chapter 11 . 6/10/2013
I live this story so much. I'm seriously obsessed with it. I love your writing. You have to update. For some reason I knew he was alive the whole time. But why does Ann never use her abilities? Like does Paul, the pack, and the Cullen's even know about it?
RANDOM COOKIE NINJA chapter 5 . 6/4/2013
I love this story! Please update soon