Reviews for I Was Right
deeleeted chapter 1 . 10/14/2000
Oh, my poor babe, what are they doing to you? :(
deeleeted chapter 1 . 10/14/2000
I like it very much!
deeleeted chapter 1 . 10/14/2000
I like it, I like it! :)
ziggy chapter 1 . 10/14/2000
Holy cow! That was great! Poor Severus, just a boy and being tortured by aurors. No wonder he becomes a Death Eater - who wouldn't? And just wait until Dumbledore finds out, ooh! Well, hurry up already, write the next one.
Eline chapter 1 . 10/14/2000
*screams* Hasn't the poor git got enough on his plate without torture as well? Lily's going back to James, he's been used by dark wizards, he's getting tortured . . . urgh, my sadistic side says torture him some more . . . *beats sadistic side back with the frying pan* Don't leave it there like that! (And after all this, he's still going to be a Death Eater . . . Poor Sevvie!)
liz chapter 1 . 10/14/2000
nice twist. but please don't leave us here!
Quaxo chapter 1 . 10/14/2000
What do I think? I think that there'd better be a new part and fast! The suspense is KILLING ME! Poor Snape! Bad Redwood... grrrrrrr... Snape fans! We must Lynch!
MMM chapter 1 . 10/14/2000
This is great. I could see the Dark side beckoning. And before you finish the series, do something equally nasty and horrible to Redwood. How about this: Snape framed Redwood as a Death Eater, made the Aurors tortured him for information, publicly humiliated and then sent to Azkaban. Exactly what this scum deserves. Better get back to my own Snapefic now. Happy writing!
Lucy Lu chapter 1 . 10/14/2000
Ouch! That jerk! I hope Snape managed to kick his bum before converting back from the dark. He diserves it. No wonder Snape was so inclined to join Voldemort. If he had such experiences as a kid, it is no suprise. It seems Redwood may be utimately responcible for his conversion...Just a thought.
Dani chapter 1 . 10/14/2000
aughhhhh! awww...pooor snape! Was he made a Death Eater without knowing it in the hospital? that would be a new one. Great fic! More More More!
Ruby chapter 1 . 10/14/2000
::eeps:: Yay! Angst! ::cough:: You better write more fast!
Wolfietwin1 chapter 1 . 10/14/2000
Oooh I love the lynx... the memory stuff was good too, and the overbearing Aurors. You've got mean-but-not-evil Snape down...
Trinity chapter 1 . 10/14/2000
Great. I feel really sorry for Snape. /Uses every curse and hex on Redwood. Starting with jelly-legs and ending with three straight hours of crucio hehe/
Rob chapter 1 . 10/14/2000
agyar chapter 1 . 10/13/2000
I really like this series, you must hurry writing more.
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