Reviews for I Was Right |
Hyphen chapter 1 . 10/11/2000 I agree about James. I do think he must have been a bit of a jerk, to get into all that trouble for no good reason (at least Harry has one.) And I do like your Lily and James relationship. (I like mine better though. Your James could use a good spanking!) |
Hyphen chapter 1 . 10/11/2000 I like this, I really do. Well written, interesting characterisation, etc. My only constructive comment would be that the students seem a bit older than they should be, both in part 1 and part 2. |
Anita Skeeter chapter 1 . 10/10/2000 Ooh, I like! I like! Although I'm more into the tortured-adoration type of Snape-Lily relationships, this one actually seems feasible. Congratulations and get cracking on the next installment! |
thickets chapter 1 . 10/9/2000 I review! Because I adore your story! Anything with Snape is delicious. And this is definately. _ |
Morrighan chapter 1 . 10/9/2000 This was just really, really good! (I can't write romance so I'm dead jealous :-) |
Quaxo chapter 1 . 10/9/2000 How come I was just THINKING of re-reading this when you post another bit? Anyway, WICKED! |
Elsebeth Fishnips chapter 1 . 10/9/2000 i'm reviewing now after i have read all the parts to your series and i just want to say they are totally narly. More sequels! |
Eline chapter 1 . 10/9/2000 Poor Snape-it must be lonely where he's standing. I"m normally not one for the Snape/Lily/James storyline, but you've got me hooked now. I'm bracing himself for the eventual (no doubt painful), break-up . . . |
MMM chapter 1 . 10/9/2000 Love it ... although you're going to break them up soon ... how sad ... :sniff: give me a box of kleenex... |
Anita Skeeter chapter 1 . 10/9/2000 Well, this is very good. I'm not much for actual Lily-Snape RELATIONSHIPS (I'm more inclined to the unrequited-Snape-torture kind of deal), but you make everything very believable. And the spelling and grammar are excellent. Congratulations. |
Moon chapter 1 . 10/3/2000 Yes, I just read all the parts and am only giving you one review (I'm a bad person). But I will tell you this-you've just succeeded in making me like Snape more than James. Lousy stuck-up herbivore... I also strongly hope/believe that Lily was not a Gryffindor, and will happily accept any of the other 3 houses. Your characterization of Snape is very good, *almost* not evil enough in spots- but then, all Death Eaters have to start out innocent children, don't they? Am looking forward to more, though I'm somewhat disappointed knowing that Lily will end up with that snobby deer. |
MMM chapter 1 . 10/3/2000 This is really good. I knew it: Lily and Snape are friends at school and it makes perfect sense. I do *hate* all those 'Lily and James, the perfect couple' fics. Yike. |
Eline chapter 1 . 10/3/2000 Very good interaction between the characters-I love the jealous and cheesed off James! And Slytherin loses more points for once-with very good reason. (But you made Sevvie wash his hair in the previous part! I want the greasy slimeball we all know and love back!) |
dragon chapter 1 . 10/3/2000 yay! it was smart thinking of how james and lily should also have relationship problems just don't dig your characters so deep into a plot hole they can't get out. write the next chapter soon! |
Quaxo chapter 1 . 10/3/2000 *applauds* vedy good. I like it how it's not 'perfect'. Not perfect is GOOD. This is great! |