Reviews for Losing Control |
Guest chapter 7 . 11/29/2018 Excellent! |
acetwolf94 chapter 7 . 11/19/2018 I wasn't ready for it to end. I LOVE IT! |
One-Step-From-Hell chapter 7 . 12/24/2016 o |
Gureshingure chapter 7 . 10/2/2015 omg love it so muchh! I really hope for a sequel! Thank you so much for writing! |
Mischel chapter 7 . 7/2/2015 Are... are they dead? This was an amazing story btw! I loved it and I think you kept them both in character. It was awesome, thanks for writing it! |
Yang of Yin chapter 7 . 6/2/2015 This was amazing. I kinda want to know what happened next, but I think I can figure it out. Anyways, I just really don't have words, but that this was amazing. Great job! |
steelgray chapter 7 . 1/30/2015 Creepy yet lovely. Wonderful! |
freedomqueen chapter 7 . 12/18/2014 Can I cry already? :( I'm new to this fandom and, most important, to this ship. This is my very first Hannigram story I've ever read and I must say I loved it. So much happened and yet nothing happen at all (you now what I'm talking about when I say nothing happenned right? I don't want you to take in the wrong way, please :)) Thank you for your story and the welcoming party ;) |
DementoCannibal chapter 7 . 3/14/2014 Fantastic story! |
Binksy chapter 7 . 3/14/2014 A really good fic, I would like to see a continuation of this. |
ariam18 chapter 7 . 2/19/2014 Wow muy bueno y con un final no tradicional espero algĂșn otro fanficok bye |
ashangel101010 chapter 7 . 12/14/2013 So this is what happens when they go insane. Better to go insane with someone you love. |
FelirwenTheSecond chapter 7 . 11/21/2013 Decided to read this while waiting on your other story to update. This was great, feels like something that would actually happen in the series. Once again you did a really good job with keeping them in character. Strange ending though, did they die or just heavily pass out together? Sleep-like state sounds like death. |
Neonfartiez chapter 7 . 10/31/2013 Nooooooooooo why must it be the end? |
blackkitty95 chapter 7 . 10/27/2013 Oh my...Oh my...What can I say? A perfect ending to a perfect story. I love how you wrote Hannibal, how you wrote Will, how you wrote their relationship. I felt really sad for both Will and Hannibal (especially in this chapter Hannibal broke my heart). Thank you for sharing your talent. This is one of the best fics I've read in my entire life! |