Reviews for Marathon
Leena123 chapter 57 . 9/13/2024
Wow, I loved this story SO MUCH! It's truly wonderful, thank you for it ️️
Luzula-spicata chapter 56 . 3/9/2024
Merci beaucoup pour cette magnifique histoire
SakshiSahu2006 chapter 20 . 7/2/2022
Malfoy is very loyal,trully here
SakshiSahu2006 chapter 4 . 7/2/2022
Great !
Ellie.Cast4 chapter 57 . 6/29/2022
Such a great story, such an authentic story! Thanks for the time and attention you put into it!
Clyden chapter 57 . 8/15/2021
Why is this so good. Its unfair grrr. i loved it, he characters, especially the children. But i loved Draco the most, Harry was always adorably stupid but lovable. You did a great job on writing this. I think of my favorite fics of a divorcee Harry and Draco.
Twix66 chapter 1 . 12/6/2020
This story has helped me so much to process my parents divorce, them dating other people, and their marriage to those people. This is the only place where I have felt truly understood. When I first read this, I realized that my older sibling was acting just like Lily in this story. And I realized that they were using me, being the most effected by the divorce, as a shield for their own discomfort. Thank you so much for this story. It has and continues to help me cope. There is so much good life advise in this story
Natasha Granger chapter 57 . 11/20/2020
I had been reading da fiction since I was 14, now 26 when I found stories that relate to me in a more adult level I felt great full. This story is wonderful, complex and adul with a way of handing life that I wish more people would follow. In many ways I felt like your Harry minus the kids and wife but responsible for a lot of people that relayed on me without thinking how I’m doing. I’m still in the search for a Draco but at least I was able to notice things in time. It was wonderful to read and understand this that deeply. The characters felt real and not out of their character.
Thank you for gifting us with your story.
Lizzarnia5887 chapter 57 . 9/20/2020
I wish this story was longer it's that good!
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 57 . 6/11/2020
Jensindenial3516 chapter 57 . 4/8/2020
Thanks for the re-read!
Luzula-spicata chapter 57 . 2/15/2020
Thank you very much for your beautiful story
vampdreams chapter 57 . 8/31/2019
Oh my God!
This is the second time around that I've read this fic
And loved it just as much, maybe a bit more since I'm a bit older and understood their struggles better
You made me feel for each of them
This was absolutely brilliant!
Thanks for sharing
TheseLittleWonders chapter 56 . 2/15/2019
Aww, finally! Goodness. What was that, round 6?

I'm very glad that you had Harry tell Al about almost ending up in Slytherin, but I think he should have followed up with something along the lines of: "But I CHOSE to be in Gryffindor, and THAT's what makes you different from me. You WANT to be great. All I ever wanted was to be normal."

I think that would have really driven the point home for Albus. What he wants isn't to be normal or to have a normal life or a normal father but really to be great and famous and known for his OWN accomplishments, not to be overshadowed by his father. This would have made him realize that HARRY is really the one who wants a normal life, not Al himself.
Larenars chapter 57 . 12/27/2018
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