Reviews for By Process Of Elimination
Tonks7777777 chapter 1 . 7/11
This was absolutely adorable! Thank you so much! Loved it! :D
Tonks7777777 chapter 36 . 7/11
This was absolutely adorable! Thank you so much! Loved it! :D
Saravee chapter 36 . 4/2
Amazing story, I'm in love!
CamJam chapter 36 . 1/9
Yo! I’m aware this fic is ancient now but I just wanted to pop in and let you know I’ve read this cover to cover at least have a dozen times. It is my go to SwanQueen story, and every time I read it I consider switching fandoms and writing here because there is just SOMETHING about this version that of these characters. Emma’s nightmares and reluctant vulnerability plus Regina’s possessiveness with an edge of affection it just… gets me. Every time. I still tear up in those early nightmare scenes and I just…

So, yeah. You’re awesome and whatever you’re doing these days, I want you to know you created an awesome story that is still being enjoyed.
Helena chapter 36 . 12/16/2023
I want to say thank you very much for posting this chapters of this incredible story, really. I started reading this fic in portuguese/Brazil posted by someone that i don't know in wattpad, but I wanted to know who was the author and here I am. You have so much talent, just don't stop here and go shine in some others places as well!
Beryl42 chapter 36 . 11/22/2023
This is sweet.
Bob123qwe chapter 3 . 5/23/2023
don't you all understand Emma is now her own grandmother
moithea chapter 27 . 2/6/2023
A jamais l'une de mes histoires favorites.
WrathofAjax chapter 4 . 1/25/2023
I just got into OUaT so i sorted by favorites, and i see why this is so high up on the list. this is hi9larious. Thanks for writing it and more importantly sharing it.
AnelBro chapter 36 . 11/6/2022
Loved to reread it
Blulili chapter 36 . 11/2/2022
absolutely fantastic! enjoyed every second of it. i especially loved the detail of post natal body image and intimacy issues, they rarely come up in fictoon and it just gave this an extra layer and depth making it all the more believable and something I related to painfully easily having experienced it myself. I have one question though, what did Regina write on her wife's ass?!
Japrincess chapter 5 . 11/1/2022
cancer71777 chapter 36 . 10/1/2022
A wonderful story, truly enjoyed.
Guest chapter 36 . 9/18/2022
Really awesome story. Had lots of fun reading it. Thanks!
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