Reviews for Clash of the Conjurers
Calynounette chapter 76 . 12/17/2024
wow! that was so nice reading! I loved the fluff, the harder bits, the sex, love, the plot. Very original and well-balanced. Well done and thank you for this wonderful story!
Maria221B chapter 76 . 5/24/2024
reading this again, such an amazing story
StrikingFancy chapter 15 . 5/10/2024
Holy fuck... great writing, but this was tremendously hard to read.
StrikingFancy chapter 13 . 5/7/2024
I appreciate all the research that went into the making of this fic. Thoroughly enjoying the references to Greek mythology and alchemy, especially if their purpose if for plot reference.
StrikingFancy chapter 12 . 5/7/2024
Forgot to mention in my review for Ch 11 that I was apalled at the fact that Hermione stood between Sirius and Severus before he commanded her to leave. Like... girl, let him defend your honor FFS. Or, better yet, defend yourself! I also think Sirius is just as bad as Lucius and the other Death Eaters with his obvious lechery.

And, I'm sorry... Albus hears that Sirius was possibly going to do more and didn't have enough empathy to make a comment about it? Instead just chastizing Severus for constantly fighting with Sirius like THAT's the real issue? Are you kidding me? Again... I find it absolutely believable and in character... but also downright despicable.

Hermione's self-deprication and lack of self-confidence is really starting to grate on my nerves but I also recognize it's very canon and in character.

Coming from Bound to Him, I was already emotionally prepared to suffer with the smut. Looking forward to reading how they both cope and, more importantly, grow from the experience.
StrikingFancy chapter 11 . 5/6/2024
While I know this is a fic, I am genuinely concerned for the lack of a strong maternal figure in Hermione's life that would help her differentiate between kindness and prurient interest. Where is Molly's meddling when you need it? It's absolutely heartbreaking that the comfort she so desperately needs and unfortunately accepts because she doesn't know any better is given by Sirius as opposed to her fucking friends... who are fucking. So grateful that she's at least got Severus in her corner, despite the fact that he's still an absolute bastard with a heart of gold.
StrikingFancy chapter 6 . 5/5/2024
Alright, I thought I could dive into the next five chapters without having to write another review but I have to get this off my chest... I hate Sirius. I hate Sirius. I ... HATE... and DETEST... Sirius. Fucking. Black. That you've made my skin crawl with such vehement loathing is a testament to your skillful writing. Chapeaux bas!

Also, my heart absolutely aches for Hermione. I mourn that learning to defend oneself from the male gaze - and, in this case, also unwelcome male touch - is a sort of right of passage for most girls in their youth, but I appreciate Severus helping her, albeit reluctantly.

Oh, gods... great prophecy, but oh, GODS... hello, anxiety.

"I hope you're stronger than I think you are." ... Favorite line.
StrikingFancy chapter 5 . 5/5/2024
I am so glad to have stumbled upon this fic. I'd like to point out that I've refrained from reviewing so far because I've been too enthralled, intrigued, and enchanted by your storytelling to warrant stopping for praise. I appreciate how wonderfully you've kept everyone in character and sifted through canon so far. Can't wait to see how this rollercoaster picks up speed.
lizziejean123 chapter 76 . 4/21/2024
What an amazing story! Had me on the edge of my seat many times, so many surprises along the way. But in total, this was a very well-written tale, and I'm so glad you shared it with us!
Santanasev109 chapter 76 . 4/18/2024
I cannot believe i haven’t read this until now. Ive read well over 100 fics and this is def top 5 now. I could not put it down and it was such an amazing tale. I wish i could read it over for the first time already.
Santanasev109 chapter 52 . 4/16/2024
I laughed until I cried with this chapter
Dot1warner chapter 76 . 1/6/2024
Reading in 2024. Loved the story.
End felt rushed after such great cate for the rest of the story . Worth the trad
cdmartinez chapter 76 . 12/20/2023
Amazing read!
kakkoneko chapter 76 . 11/14/2023
This is in the top 3 of the best severus snape fanfictions I've ever read . Thank you so much for writing this !
Reeves chapter 76 . 9/22/2023
Ok I legit cried. A lot, during this story. Freakin great story!
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