Reviews for Life in Glass Houses
Eternal Night Owl chapter 33 . 10/20/2020
Wow, I couldn't stop reading this! I love Bumblebee and Knock Out's interactions and how they're actually starting to think of each other as friends (well, only BB said the word but we all know Knock Out is thinking it too lol). I also like how they both tried to get the other to defect towards their respective side; they like each other well enough at this point that they can admit they don't want to be forced to fight the other in battle anymore. And Knock Out does eventually become an Autobot in Predacons Rising so I guess that works out for them in the end. Though I have to say Decepticon!Bumblebee is an intriguing idea as well...

Also, poor Trauma. I mean he did kind of bring it on himself for sleeping with his patient (even if said patient did kind of plan the whole thing out) but I still feel bad for him regardless. He's such a sweet mech who clearly means well, and it's not his fault that KO killed his evil counterpart in an alternate universe and has issues from it. I hope when their affair comes to light eventually that he doesn't get into too much trouble

Jumpstart and Ample are adorable and I want them protected at all costs. That's all.

Is it weird that I keep picturing SG!Starscream as Professor Mcgonagall instead of Starscream? I think you said in an AN that you based her personality after hers and now that's all I can think about lol. She's just so competent and trustworthy and responsible and... well basically the opposite of Starscream lol. Which since it's an alternate universe makes sense.

Also, I noticed that you haven't updated this fic in two years but I really hope you're planning to eventually finish it? *hopeful look* I don't want to be pushy but it's really good and I'd love to see where it goes!
AL chapter 33 . 2/3/2020
So ravage is in the bag. Huh.

Wonder when he will finish his repair of the cat.

Good chapter, never underestimate a enemy with a large weapon, first rule of survival.
purrrbeast chapter 33 . 12/24/2019
I like how you characterize knock out, probably the best i have read. You manage to make him an asshole, manipulative, pathetic and surprisingly sympathetic. Despite his shortcomings as a person you want things to turn out ok for him and i am always up for some knock out and bumblebee friendship.

I hope you continue working on your TP fanfics i have enjoyed all of them u.u
KingGone chapter 1 . 3/29/2019
The day I check and find out you posted a new chapter is the day I'm passing out from excitement.
Chasing Snarks chapter 33 . 2/12/2019
This is so good! In terms of Shattered Glass AUs, this is the best one I've ever seen. The worldbuilding seems so real-all the characters seem so three-dimensional and I can just *feel* the complexity going on in the world around them. Even though he's long gone, I love the little hints and references to human-loving Dreadwing scattered around the ship and am so curious to know exactly what went down between Shockwave and Soundwave. They're both such fascinating characters and I've especially enjoyed seeing another side of Shockwave-he really had a heart at one point and it was cool and sad all at once see how much the Citizens still look up to him. Is it wrong now that I ship Shockwave x Starscream? I blame the Citizens for that entirely. XD

It's also fun watching Knock Out and Bumblebee interact and grow closer together. Looks like they're really starting to trust one another now. It's gonna be interesting to see what happens if/when their groundbridge idea works!

Keep up the good work!


-Chasing Snarks
Guest chapter 33 . 1/4/2019
So much tension is building up! I love it!
mclfai113 chapter 33 . 1/3/2019
This story is so awesome! Please continue this story soon, I'm DIEING FROM THE SUSPENSE!
GreyHowler chapter 33 . 10/25/2018
This is so fraggin’ good! You’ve got grammar, plot, personalities, EVERYTHING oh, so perfect! (Although you did surprise me with the Trauma/Knockout bit—it was a good surprise)

I especially love the ‘Shattered Glass’ aspect. It’s always leaving me confused about who to root for, so I just end up rooting for whoever’s POV it is :P

Can’t wait for the next update!
Guest chapter 2 . 8/9/2018
I was so upset when I had thought that this story might've been abandoned as it was one of the best quality pieces I have read on this website... That's why I'm so glad to see it back! Thank you!
Guest chapter 33 . 8/7/2018
BlackCrimsonBakeneko chapter 33 . 8/7/2018
Oh shit! That ending! Omg, is it bad I hope Shockwave kills Ultra Magnus?
Noxious Ash chapter 32 . 7/23/2018
Sometimes it just doesn't pay to rummage through someone's stuff, Knock Out. You might find treasure, but not all secrets are kind. Bumblebee is still having some doubts, poor guy.
White Socks With Sandals chapter 31 . 6/26/2018
Love your work
BlackCrimsonBakeneko chapter 31 . 6/25/2018
Oh my God! You updated! I honestly thought this story was dead but you surprised us! Hopefully the next chapter doesn't take as long but I'll wait. As much as I love this chapter I hope it picks up soon, like Bee and Knockout meet a few Autobots or something, I mostly want to see the Autobots reactions if they see Bee since he's dead in this universe. Either way, I love this story and have been following it since it was first started so please continue!
Fluffkin Neely chapter 31 . 6/25/2018
I’ve been waiting for this *fan girl scream* THANK YOU FOR UPDATING ️
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