Reviews for An Education
anyagal chapter 42 . 10/5/2023
I enjoyed this so much. Thank you.
divyvicki chapter 42 . 5/31/2023
Loved the ending! Great story!
divyvicki chapter 41 . 5/31/2023
I know this is already finished, but I would love to see Jasper and Alice get back together!
divyvicki chapter 35 . 5/21/2023
What got up his ass!
divyvicki chapter 34 . 5/21/2023
I almost feel sorry for Jasper!
divyvicki chapter 29 . 4/30/2023
Poor Alice!
divyvicki chapter 27 . 4/16/2023
Well, that was a disaster!
divyvicki chapter 24 . 4/5/2023
Glad she had someone to turn to since Jasper was so mean to her.
divyvicki chapter 22 . 4/5/2023
Poor Bella!
divyvicki chapter 19 . 3/28/2023
Good for her!
divyvicki chapter 18 . 3/23/2023
Jasper has to ruin everything!
divyvicki chapter 17 . 3/23/2023
Since there r so many chapters remaining, I’m guessing their HEA is some time from now!
divyvicki chapter 16 . 3/22/2023
He is so oblivious to what she wants and Jasper is certainly a wet rag!
divyvicki chapter 13 . 3/5/2023
Sure wish Bella and Edward would communicate better
divyvicki chapter 11 . 2/27/2023
Poor Bella, she is sending Edward mixed signals and doesn’t even realize it.
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