Reviews for Aiër
mystarlight chapter 40 . 8/22
Can't wait for Thranduil! You are such a talented author!
mystarlight chapter 39 . 8/22
One of the best stories I have ever read!
Guest chapter 40 . 8/15
I’ve read this COUNTLESS times over the past few years and had so much hope that you would continue this after chapter 40. I hope you are doing well and living well, but gosh, would I about give anything to have this story finished!

The tears and joy I have wept for this is actually insane— especially finding out her lineage.

One of the BEST stories I have ever read, fan-made or not.
Anonymous chapter 40 . 8/1
Love this story. Have been coming back to it for years. It helped me to read about someone who goes through a lot of the same shyness and social anxiety that I deal with every day. And I know that social anxiety is not all that Sheanon deals with and has started facing down - it’s just the part I identify with the most. I hope you are doing well. God bless.
Treagus chapter 40 . 8/2
"Valar help me," he swore, and for a moment he turned his gaze to the ceiling as if indeed he were entreating Eru himself. But then he looked back at her and gently cupped her face again between both his hands. "My lady is mad..."

I rarely, if ever, comment or review on this site because I forget that I have an account.
I just dug through a dozen old emails from year ago to find my login so that I could tell you that, after having followed this story for years, and having only just recently seen the last update... this is the paragraph that got me.
It's so natural and real and just completely makes all of his character come together as a truly feeling and vulnerable being.

Your writing is so unbelievably good. If you are a published author, I hope to whatever gods are listening that your books sell well, because you deserve every penny.

You clearly care so much about your prose breathing life to the characters you adopt and create. Truly a master at your craft. Don't ever think for a second that you lack in any way in this; It is your gift.
Guest chapter 40 . 7/28
I have no idea if you’re gonna hit us with a two or three chapters update or if Aiër has been abandoned . But I really do love this story, it’s helped me escape from life on numerous occasions . I really wish for this story to be finished . I hope your well 3
Guest chapter 40 . 7/15
All I can say is wow…. This is a. Masterpiece … I can’t wait to see if there will ever be more, but I’m n’ont knowing that Legolas and Sheanon are happy together! Especially after everything they’ve gone through
Faith Healer chapter 37 . 6/25
Just got back from a theater marathon of Lord of the Rings and thought of this story….. my heart! I was so hopeful for them knowing how their stoy would end. I wanted more time. And the dog… (sobs). I feel so bad for them. Love and despair for thos chapter. Now i must wait for an update.
Guest chapter 37 . 6/5
“ Do not worry," she breathed urgently. "Father said the journey is not long-”

Woah, did her dad mislead them about the distance/location?
Guest chapter 37 . 6/4
“You failed to save your wife, you may yet save your daughter.” ! Girl the foreshadowing! I really like this line hehe
Dreams.exe chapter 40 . 5/26
I'm praying and hoping weekly that you finish this story. It's truly a masterpiece.
Lulawen chapter 40 . 5/6
Begging, pleading, howling for you to please come back. Please please please. Your writing in brilliant. I’ve re-read this so much. I’ve watched this story since it was first published. You’ve done so so well with it. Pleasaase come back. But if not…know this is one of the most well written stories I’ve ever read. Including published literature. You have my sincerest thank you for this story regardless if it is finished or not.
ZeeWeeSoccer17 chapter 1 . 5/3
Love it!
Guest chapter 40 . 4/30
I’ve hit abit of a rough patch these last few weeks, and reading my favourite fanfic , from my all time fav trilogy ( book and movie) helps a lot. The amount of times I’ve read aiër to escape from my reality is alotttttt. Keep writing your beautiful masterpiece that so many of us adore. And thank you for creating Shëanon , I feel like there’s a lot of us out there that really connect with her and her issues that she struggles with. Wishing you the best
ollybear chapter 40 . 4/8
Hey, i reallr love and cherish this story. Your writting is amazing ! Thank you so much for what tou have posted and i look forward to rhe next update
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