Reviews for Coming Home
Guest chapter 36 . 11/1/2013
It is good but it misses something and does not make me feel happy or elated like that at the end of your other stories. Hope the sequel will be good. But please remove Rachel and give us the great 12th Precint team back. To me Kate and Castle are the partners for eveything, professional, personal, spiritual; and expect to see 'his' chair back next to 'her' table in the sequel.
Guest chapter 24 . 10/31/2013
I have a comment. Who the hell in Rachel McCord to give sermon about what to do or not to do about Kate to Castle? Only two women and two men have that right - Martha and Lanie; Ryan and Esposito. Not even the present Alexis.
Guest chapter 23 . 10/31/2013
Mock-rape? OMG!
Guest chapter 22 . 10/31/2013
I hink this is the third or fourth story ehere Kate has been raped. But no where Castle was present. You have made it so dark that love goes to the backseat. I think that is your aim in this story. All gloom.
Guest chapter 18 . 10/31/2013
In your story like this, the confidence on ability and credibilty of NYPD, FBI, the finest detectives and agents are all got shaken up. You have been able to make 3XK indestructible but Kate Beckett miserable as a fiesty detective. And Castle? Just want to forget.
MissBeh8ve chapter 36 . 10/27/2013
well, what can I say? I would have paid serious money for this story. It's like an actual mystery thriller.
the casework was so well done and interesting, you don't see that often in fanfics!
I've read it in one go. My eyes are dry and itchy, but . .READING!
this goes straight to my top 5!

You're freaking talented!
jomarsou chapter 36 . 10/26/2013
I really enjoyed reading this, all 36 chapters in one go. You've written a cleverly crafted storyline keeping all the characters true to life. I loved having Jordan Shaw in the mix, a secret wish of mine that she'd come back on the show! Well done, looking forward to reading more of your work.
monteilkathy chapter 11 . 10/22/2013
I've come a little late to this party but am so hooked nonetheless. This is brilliant. As good as AWM has given us. Looking forward to discovering how this unfolds. TY
honeyandvodka chapter 12 . 10/20/2013
Interesting! I didn't see that one coming! I feel like both Kate and Castle have been so violated.
Castle Haven chapter 36 . 10/13/2013
I just had a marathon reading session, reading through this story one chapter after another. And it was worth it and mindblowingly awesome.
Given the level of angst, I cant even imagine how hard it must have been for you to write. But you did a great job.
I would especially commend all the research that went into this story because it made the story feel grounded and real.
The suspense was spot-on. I could've never guessed what was going to happen next.
There's one thing that troubles me though(and i hate myself for even pointing it out). Castle checked himself out AMA but he seemed to have no repercussions from his long sustained injuries except a lack of sleep. That strikes me as odd. He would've probably had more physical trauma which would not allow a high level of activity at all.
Its a tiny detail and im no expert but its what i thought sincerely. You did however get the emotional trauma in spectacular detail.
Loved this story and how it played out. Loved the ending and assuredly, I'll read the sequel as well. Keep writing!
Mark C chapter 36 . 10/10/2013
This was amazing.

I thoroughly enjoyed how you had things unfold when Rick proposed to Kate. You took things in an interesting direction especially bringing back Jerry Tyson. It was through that that they found their way back to each other but it was not an easy road for either of them.

Kate was not well liked by Alexis and her close friends that she left behind did not like how she left things with Rick. Slowly, it appears that she was forgiven even by Rick himself but Kate certainly had to re-earn his trust.

You did an excellent with the Tyson part of the story especially how it affected Rick and Kate. Tyson's end was handled very well and what we later learn about his death, was so like him to put that type of plan in motion.

I really liked Rachel and how she slowly became friends with Kate.

This last chapter was great and brought things to a wonderful close especially with Kate bringing Rick to DC so she can resign, rejoin the boys and Rachel at the 12th and spend some much needed alone with Rick before returning to the precinct.

I've noticed that you have a sequel so I'll be checking it out as soon as I can.
Abbey chapter 36 . 10/7/2013
Oh my gosh. I saw you post the sequel to this but didn't know this story even existed, so I went and read this from the first chapter and just finished it, a little less than a week after I started. This story... there are no words. Perfect? That's probably the most fitting. It's my favorite story, right up there next to Hunted by JillianCasey (which is a huge compliment to you, because the amount of times I've read that story start to finish is in the double digits). I'm off to read the sequel now, which I'm so thrilled that you are writing one! You'll see my reviews on there. Thank you for such an amazing story and such an amazing ending. I can't wait to see where you take our favorite pair. Oh, and Happy Castle Season Six!
livewritealways chapter 36 . 10/5/2013
Great story! You had me hooked all the way through. Can't wait to read what you write next!
rememberalways chapter 36 . 10/4/2013
Stop it, I didn't even realize that this had ended. I must have skimmed over the email telling me that you had updated and I just noticed the sequel so I figured I should come finish this first! What a lovely ending - I'm so excited to read the sequel, I think I'll have to put aside my files for a few minutes (I'm at work..) and read that! :)
Guest chapter 15 . 10/3/2013
Kate is Kate and making Rachel the lead investigator is also not to my liking. You have made Kate an idiot by making her go all alone in her apartment suspecting the monster holds up Castle there. It is most unlikely. She could have informed Esposito and Ryan if not Rachel about her suspicion and take atleast one of them there. Anyway it is your story and you must have a plan. But I like your Caskett romance stories more.
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