Reviews for Warm Memories and Brotherly Bonds
Guest chapter 36 . 2/13/2020
Keep going I like what you ere writing... Beacuse its my favuorite
MikuNakano chapter 1 . 1/12/2020
the amont of filler is the same as the fricken anime
Schilf chapter 54 . 1/7/2020
Damn you, onions. Be damned!
222winford chapter 49 . 11/22/2019
You really did a great job. I can’t imagne the patience that you have to had to wrote it all from the beginning, but I truly admire that. And I have to admit, fanfic like that is really a dream come true, so keep up with your work, cause you’re doing great! Thanks!
222winford chapter 49 . 11/22/2019
I love your work! Thank you so much for writing it!
El manco 99 chapter 26 . 11/22/2019
many thanks
El manco 99 chapter 25 . 11/21/2019
thanks a bunch for thinking of those plot twists Author-san
Alsheon chapter 51 . 8/13/2019
Why... Reading this only made me plant a seed of annoyance for Chopper which wasn't there in the first place. He reacted to strongly and too naively. Whilst he was the most naive within the group, he would know when some people had to take a painful choice to save someone else. But here, he's just very obnoxious with his 'worries.'

Countless of times he blamed every little thing for not doing any little thing in his perfect mind. Like, in the Impel Down, he scolded Luffy for being cold when Luffy ignored the shouts of agony. I don't think real Chopper would do that, he would think the best for his friends, he wouldn't hesitate to turn around and run when he needed to, ignoring any yells or screams of agony. Especially if his friend is in troubles. Moreover, he didn't know any of those prisoners, so it makes no sense for him to scold his captain for mere passing people who were there because they were criminals in the first place.
And you made everyone had to 'explain' every little thing that didn't need to be explained because Chopper was too stupid and naive to even get that shallow thing.

Here, he scolded Iva for knocking Luffy away harshly to avoid Kizaru's attack. He should know better. He had tasted Kizaru's might, he should be more grateful that Luffy was knocked away than upset that Iva hurt Luffy. I have an active mind, when I read fanfics, I didn't just read it, I saw it in my mind, I heard it. Imagining the understanding Chopper doing all of those annoying and obnoxious 'worry-wart' things made me cringed so hard that I had no interest reading several paragraphs after that keenly.
Alsheon chapter 33 . 8/13/2019
Ah, man. I hate it when people prioritized/worshipped movie rather than canon. It erased the essence of the story. Luffy learned Gear 2nd from watching CP9 fighting, pushing his limit to learn to protect his friend from ever being taken away from him. You dumped that character development device under the bus with that movie-worship.

Idc about Movie. I like them. Shiki and Z being my favourite. But never put them as a priority over Canon unless Oda said so. And the only movies that had Oda's involvement was Strong World (with Shiki) and Film Z. Anything other than that was out of Oda's grasp. Such an importance like Gear 2nd creation shouldn't be given to something that is secondary... Sigh... Why bringing up movies when you can analyze the indepth with CP9?
Guest chapter 62 . 5/21/2019
This was an amazing story. Everything was in it. I an not believe someone writes something that long. It was good. But still sad, too.
After they saw the memories and talking about how they would like to get to know the people for real of teach others of them a lesson, I would have really liked to see how they visit their old friends together now
Unlucky Alis chapter 13 . 4/21/2019
I kind of want to guess that it’s Sabo because he looks like an adult rather than a child while Kuina and Ace looked the same age as when they died
Unlucky Alis chapter 10 . 4/21/2019
Hnnnn I can’t stop crying... this chapter... it breaks my heart ;_;
Unlucky Alis chapter 2 . 4/20/2019
I am an absolute sucker for these kinds of fics and I am so excited to binge this over the next few days!
Guest chapter 64 . 4/18/2019
Amazing story. Feels like they can make a movie out of this fanfic
Guest chapter 10 . 4/16/2019
im laughing so hard at that last authors note oh my god u hit it right on the head and you didnt even know it

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