Reviews for Red-Back: Son of the Spider
Zarius chapter 7 . 1/23/2014
And so your story takes a distinctly nasty turn, you certaingly have a handle on the dramatics and know how to play with emotion. The idea of Peter going down to something very ordinary appeals to my "why the hell not?" sensibilities and is very in-keeping with the everyman routine the character is known for. I'm not a big fan of stories that kill Peter off (looking at you Bendis), but I have faith in your direction for the characters and will remain invested in the story.
Manuel01 chapter 7 . 1/21/2014
You are a evil, evil, evil author, to kill the poor spider-man (just a joke).

I will continue to read the story in respect for the parker family (and because i like it) but don't try to kill more Parker's please, I can't even think of what M.J would do if Harry Osborn would appear on the church (Death of Superman - Justice League cartoon), they would have to call the hulk and the thing to part them
Celgress chapter 7 . 1/20/2014
Wow I can't believe you killed off Spider-Man, and he died breaking up a random crime at the hands of some minor non-super powered criminal too what an unexpected twist. This was a very emotional chapter, a true tear jerker. It was everything you promised it would be, good work.
Zarius chapter 6 . 1/13/2014
Loved the descriptions of all the presents and the pocket dimension angle with the lower floor. Some really wonderful creative choices in this chapter...and yeah, will the Kree and Skrulls ever stop even for the holidays? Poor Lyja having to spend time without Johnny, love that those two are together here
Celgress chapter 6 . 1/10/2014
I love the super hero Christmas scene, very sweet. Terra and Hunter's day out together fighting some minor criminals was also awesome brother/sister bonding.
Zarius chapter 5 . 1/5/2014
Oh MJ, you sure can be as wildly tempered as Hunter. Good work here, really putting the Parker lad through the usual paces, and I've really missed the over responsible and grouchy parental Peter I read in Spider-Girl, good to see him at work here.
Celgress chapter 5 . 1/4/2014
Great story, I really love all the interactions Hunter is having with his teachers the X-Men. I can hardly wait for what wacky adventures he'll get into next. I wonder if he'll eventually meet anymore of his old man's friends and foes (besides Fisk aka the Kingpin) like Venom, Hobgoblin, Dare Devil, Black Cat and the like? I guess time will tell.
Manuel01 chapter 4 . 12/4/2013
I'm liking it very much, a interesting start with the spider-children, I would like to see the Terra powers and a parent's visiting just to see what it would be a calm Parker's day, funny thing if ye old Gecko would foot feed near Peter's (or worst MJ) about spider guys.

Continue to write and we will continue to read, anyway, Merry Christmans and Happy new Year
Zarius chapter 2 . 7/19/2013
Love the witty exchanges between Lamont and Peter, and Hunter's an adorable little mite. Interesting idea for a time skip this early in. Intriguing
Zarius chapter 1 . 7/18/2013
I quite like the banter between Peter and MJ in this, weird Peter would even think of Octavious as a name, Hunter...hmm...hopefully that isnt Peter letting his buried alive experiance get to him again. Some slight spelling errors aside it's looking cosy, but decide what style you want to use in this story, you have this weird blend going on, instead of saying "MJ: I like it" for example, say "I like it" MJ replied. Just trying to help