Reviews for Howling with the Storm
pc2tals chapter 6 . 2/20/2024
Loving the series. Looking forward for 3 things, because of the differences.
1. River Song - Who will she be in your version?
2. The Day of the Doctor - the 10th Doctor version - the whole marriage situation and if Rose will remember.
3. The Big Bang - Will Rose go with the Doctor in the Pandorica.
Would also love to see Rose meet other Doctor's, specially the 1st.
ilove.GO chapter 33 . 11/13/2023
I would like to thanks the God of fanfictions authors (who I believe is Neil Gailman but back to the point) for giving them so many ideas to torture their characters!
John Simth and Marion Lewis... I love them 3. UwU
Love that chap chapter 64 . 12/12/2022
And this chapter 47 . 12/11/2022
Is where I skip to the epilogue.
The rest, ain’t worth it.
Just chapter 43 . 12/11/2022
Skip over 42, for this one.
It’s bad enough the drama-angst.
Just be glad that they Finally get it better!
Iah chapter 38 . 12/11/2022
Skippa from 32 to end of this chapter-a.
Yeah chapter 31 . 12/11/2022
The madness of this series.
Be anxious for nothing...
Wait chapter 26 . 12/11/2022
One blessed moment.
Is she related to Cap’n Jack Sparrow?!
Ok chapter 25 . 12/11/2022
Just saying. Nope.
Kill switching might have worked... if, possibly, the Doctor didn’t have ‘something to jump between it and them. Nope. Afterwards, I can see this ‘tribe’, essentially, going to live as a ‘pseudo-crew’ onboard the Tar.
Why? They would need a teacher.
A few chapter 24 . 12/11/2022
One, the Daleks apparently originate from a break-off human people.
Two, phooey on Ten and Rose not being able to have children. I point back to WhoMe-2!
Three, everything in this is meant to be drama for drama. Not very realistic. Plus, they just push all of the accepted mainstream teachings, anyways.
Again chapter 20 . 12/11/2022
Just skipped to the end.
Much better to hop past many episodes’ contents.
FYI chapter 10 . 12/11/2022
I skip to the latter point of Chap 12.
Rather jump past the rubbish...
Politick chapter 10 . 12/11/2022
Aka, how to be a mind-controlled, self-absorbed, easily used, ninny.
Besides chapter 10 . 12/11/2022
my dislike of this certain episode,
Did anyone else get the feel of RDJr-Tony Stark, here?
No? Yes? Whazzat?
Mild correction chapter 10 . 12/11/2022
The toilet technically already existed.
It was the lack of internal plumbing which was (and in some countries, still is) lacking.
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