Reviews for Howling with the Storm
Fleur24 chapter 2 . 9/24/2015
Love that quip about the big Bad Wolf, being just as confused as the Doctor.
HeartAuror chapter 64 . 9/12/2015
So, usually when an author still has more written I wait until I read the best before I review in one big go, but I felt like I had to leave this review on this story. You're such an amazing writer to the point that it's terrifying. I've always thought the most important part of writing was character. Somany authors for get that villains are still people, and that they have motivations that everyone else has. Sometimes it's hard to think of the master like that. It's so easy to just think he's insane because of all the terrible things he did.
But you, even saying that is was uncomfortable to get into his head, you saw more. You saw the person underneath that so many are prone to forget. You made it possible to sympathize with him, and that is so wonderful and terrifying at the same time. You can show the person behind the mass-murderer, the mark of a truly skillful author and I just wanted to tell you how amazing that is. That is the kind of writing I strive to find, and maybe eventually be able to achieve in my own work. Thank you, for this truly astounding writing.
Bally chapter 63 . 8/30/2015
I'm sure that you haven't been here in a while, but I want you to know that I positively adore your writing and that this story is wonderful!
Me chapter 6 . 8/29/2015
This is actually the third time I've read this fanfic and each time I read it I love it more and more! You are so brilliant and I hope you keep writing.
Raven J. Haile chapter 64 . 8/25/2015
I adore your work, truly some of the best writing I've ever read. This series is one of my absolute favorites. I cannot wait to read the next bit. :3
Unknown chapter 64 . 8/25/2015
Amazing! Not sure if you have season 4...? up, but ill check :) Good job writing! This is one of the best stories that i've read!
cyanicism chapter 64 . 8/17/2015
This story was brilliant, as expected. I really don't know how you do it. Keep everything in line with the episodes while still managing to develop events far beyond those details. It's just amazing. I can't wait for the third installment!
cyanicism chapter 54 . 8/17/2015
I don't usually review till the end of the story, but I just gave to say that you've done a brilliant job with the Master. he's totally believable. It's just beautiful. Bit unsettling, actually... But I knew this was going to be a brilliant sequel, and u have NOT been disappointed. I hope these stories never end. Though I'm still waiting for Rose to get a sonic
EccentricRage chapter 64 . 8/16/2015
So much pain, but so much hope, happiness and joy. I'm still loving this story and can't wait to get into the next section of it!
OriginalxRose chapter 64 . 7/25/2015
Brilliant! I've binge read this series and it was extremely well written and true to the characters. Looking forward to reading more of your stories.
littleartist2002 chapter 63 . 7/14/2015
The link to your Tumblr isn't working and I really wanna see the fanart you mentioned. Help?
Amber chapter 64 . 7/13/2015
I'm addicted to your stories .. seriously they are amazing :)
Starsaroundmars chapter 34 . 7/10/2015
Insert Fangirl squeals here.
I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU! That's all I want to say! Because this story is amazing (And yes that was a Beatles reference from their song Michelle)!
You've inspired me to evemtually write my own Rose/Doctor fic eventually. I hope you continue the fourth part of the series before I get there because so far I'm obsessed with this story. I love John and Marion's little confrontations, you can practically feel the tension between these two. I'm going to stop typing now and continue the story. Hope you update soon! :)
miriel celeste chapter 1 . 6/21/2015
P.H. Wise chapter 24 . 6/14/2015
After Doomsday I was expecting things to change, but it seems like things are just continuing the same way as before. Does Rose's presence really add so little to events?
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