Reviews for Howling with the Storm
CLCviola chapter 2 . 7/18/2013
Not a bad start
ginny-malfoy22 chapter 2 . 7/18/2013
Yay! I'm so glad you're doing a sequel!
candy-girl5 chapter 2 . 7/18/2013
Love it! What a great start. Bouncing in my seat in excitement so see what you do with season 3. You have blended Rose in seamlessly, well done ;-)
DarkDiDlly chapter 2 . 7/18/2013
This is really cute. You've written it so well that it actually seems like Rose should be there, in the original story. I mean, she definitely should have, but this just fits. Excited for the next chapter.
LadaHathaway chapter 2 . 7/18/2013
oh, i love it)
Jax118 chapter 2 . 7/18/2013
Aw...such a great start to this alternative series of episodes. It'll be nice to see how Martha fits into all of this and how they all come out with The Family of Blood and New New York again...can't wait for this to continue on and on and on. So psyched!
TheKitchenMistress chapter 2 . 7/18/2013
Last two lines - brilliant :)
Yay for the new story. I imagine I wasn't the only one very happy to see your alert one day early.
InfiniteAnomaly chapter 2 . 7/18/2013
I'm so glad you decided to post early! I really am. I love how the Doctor can't remember telling her that holidays weren't allowed in the TARDIS. And how he teases her a little bit about no longer knowing the future. This story is gonna be great. I can tell already!
Twylyte chapter 2 . 7/18/2013
A promising beginning. I look forward to seeing how much Rose's prescence changes things.
Good chapter,
InfiniteAnomaly chapter 1 . 7/18/2013
NEW STORY! NEW STORY! I love sequels!
tardisallonsy10 chapter 2 . 7/18/2013
I am so excited to see how you do this sequel. It is already looking awesome, and better in my opinion than some of the others I have read. Can't wait till next update.
Zarelyn chapter 2 . 7/18/2013
First things first - I love how you update every day. It never fails to brighten my day, no matter how good or bad it was before. That said, I think you've handled adding Rose pretty well here, and the extra bit at the end is adorable :)
Akashi Furiname chapter 2 . 7/18/2013
I love you. I hope you know that. :).
ElvenSailorGirl chapter 2 . 7/18/2013
I followed the last story but never did leave a review because I didn't have anything of substance to say. I still don't if I'm honest, but I am really looking forward to your take on S3 with Rose. Already I can see how you're making a place for her and giving her some things the Doctor says in the episode but without it feeling like that's what you're doing. There are so many fics of this type out there but I could probably name on one hand all the good ones I've read. If you continue doing what you've done in this chapter, this will be one of them.

Of course, I really really love how you've also given Rose some original lines and the Stockholm Syndrome thing is quite possibly the best thing ever. It's terribly in character for Donna at that point and it's a lovely bit of original dialogue. The closing bit is also lovely because of this very same reason. So many S3 fics fail to add enough original bits to the episodes. Of course you want close to canon, but staying too close ultimately stilts the writing and characterization. It's obvious from the previous fix that you know how to ride that line, so I'm really looking forward to more of this.

I can't wait to see Martha and Rose interact and I really hope you deal with the family thing over the course of the fix, because here you set up a lovely opportunity for Rose to miss her family and to help Martha with hers. You've got a Rose here who left her family after literally fading in front of them and you'll have Martha who, in Smith and Jones, has a family that uses her as a counselor rather than really treating her as a member. I think if you deal with that, it could make for some interesting dialogues and characterizations. Of course, it'll still be interesting even if you don't do that.

Anyway, as I said before, I'm looking forward to more.
ohgodbeeseverywhere chapter 2 . 7/18/2013
Oh my god, this is perfect, and I think i'm gonna die. I really like how you made Rose a more prominent character, unlike in other stories with this concept. Can't wait for the next chapter!
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