Reviews for Howling with the Storm
Pellaaearien chapter 39 . 2/27/2017

If only Rose had kept a journal too!

And WHOA at Rose stopping the Doctor. That's definitely a big change. Gives me a tiny bit of hope for the future. Just... be happy, you fools!
Pellaaearien chapter 38 . 2/27/2017

*flails wildly*

I *need* this to fix them. I need it like I need air.

However, I adore what you did with the characters of Joan and Conway. I never liked Joan until your rendition, and I wish Martin Freeman had actually been in the episode, he was a great addition.
Pellaaearien chapter 37 . 2/27/2017
Ohhh boy imma be so pissed if the Doctor manages to somehow keep Rose as a human... even through a damn watch... C'mon Tim do the right thing!
Pellaaearien chapter 36 . 2/27/2017
Oh my God what are the Doctor and Rose going to do now that they're engaged?

Will the Doctor FINALLY get his head out of his arse and talk about telepathy? (Probably not, if we're being honest, but a girl can dream...)
Pellaaearien chapter 34 . 2/26/2017
These two are going to be the death of me. No question. Even the Doctor isn't going to question it once it comes to light that they've fallen for each other THREE. G-DAMN. TIMES.
Pellaaearien chapter 33 . 2/26/2017

Who am I kidding, I eat it up every time...
Pellaaearien chapter 32 . 2/26/2017

And oh man is this painful. I'd've thought the TARDIS might take a hand in their relationship but I still hold out hope that this is what they'll need to fix it...
avery-wren chapter 2 . 1/22/2017
I genuinely adore this story/series... Basically your writing in general. Thank you for making me laugh
babythor chapter 26 . 1/12/2017
The thing when the Doctor broods like this is while he obsesses over how permanently altered are Rose's life and future, at the heart of it is that if he had left Rose to a small and relatively insignificant life back then, he would be free from the guilt he's assigned himself. His own worst enemy, indeed.
babythor chapter 21 . 1/12/2017
Self-designated penance for all the ways he imagines his life has negatively affected the lives of others is its own kind of arrogance. Counting sacrifices as a way of keeping score is its own kind of selfishness. Put them both together, and the Doctor has made a pedestal for his martyrdom. If I remember correctly, it's Martha who shakes the tree and brings him back to earth. As long as he lands on his ego, the rest of him should be fine :)
babythor chapter 10 . 1/11/2017
Oh, Martha. I like her better as the story progresses, especially as she becomes friends with Rose. I'm rereading for the umpteenth time, but these early chapters before Martha got over herself haven't gotten any easier.
padfootl0ve chapter 3 . 12/19/2016
I feel like it should be acknowledged just how much I absolutely detest Donna's mother. I've never been able to figure out how she's related to Wilf and Donna. It makes no sense.
SpaceAutumn chapter 35 . 12/13/2016
I just read the part where he says to Martha to not open Rose's watch thingy and leave that to him and just skipped down to write this, cuz I swear to every God I can think of if he does something stupid I'll find my way in to your fanfic and give him a slap Jackie Tyler would be proud of.
Guest chapter 58 . 12/6/2016
I love your Rose. Even thought she was a prisonner. She was never a victim. She got in his head, under his skin. Still, I can't believe you killed her.
Diving in chapter 32 . 11/29/2016
Pride and prejudice, Doctor Who style.
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