Reviews for Howling with the Storm
KitKat724 chapter 34 . 5/22/2016
I have never really liked the Human Nature/Family of Blood episodes, but I must say, out of all the rewrites I've read, yours has made it the most entertaining, while somehow being even more frustrating than the original(but not in a bad way).
RebellionGeneralEagle chapter 18 . 4/5/2016
I really like this story and the one before it. I love when Rose is sent back to the beginning, and when she doesn't get trapped in the parallel world. I have only read up to The Lazarous Episode, so I can't say anything about after. Also, just to help spread the word, I am a new author and have two stories currently. They are called The Girl Who Didn't Wait, and Harry Potter and the War for Mutant Supremecy. Please Read, Review, Follow, all that good stuff. Obviously you don't have to, but it'd be nice, so...
Shadow Eclipse chapter 64 . 3/27/2016
loved it
Eagle Hawke chapter 20 . 2/28/2016
This is nice!
Eagle Hawke chapter 3 . 2/28/2016
At "such an interesting trio" I knew Lance had already left. I wonder why the Doctor didn't see it.
Lyndsey chapter 49 . 2/23/2016
Lol I got to Utopia and literally jumped up and down and shouted with glee.
Boboslasher12 chapter 4 . 2/8/2016
'Here was a man who apparently had the whole universe at his fingertips, but
still looked at Rose as if she was the center of it all.'

This is an example of the absolutely fantastic quality of writing I have had the utter privilege of reading.

To the next chapter!
WaitingformyDoctorintheTardis chapter 44 . 1/14/2016
I don't know if it's because it's after 4am or because I was up until 9am the day before, but this fic is making me cry. This is so beautifully written and I just want to take the time to tell you how beautifully talented you are. Thank you so much for this story.
DragonLadyRelena chapter 45 . 1/13/2016
I could just picture Rose's reaction to an alien invasion during the wedding. The Oncoming Storm would have NOTHING on the Big Bad Wolf . . . unless they worked together . . . uh-oh. I can see the universe being ripped apart now. Down, girl!
InArduisFidelis-RAMC chapter 42 . 1/7/2016
I was definitely not expecting that reunion. Perfect :)
first-breath-after-coma chapter 64 . 12/27/2015
Just finished this story. I'm going to look to see if you've posted the next one. I just have to say I love your writing. Your brilliant. You've done a great job with getting Rose and the Doctor together. There was angst but not too much. It was a perfect balance. I can't wait to read the next one. I'm definitely going to check out your tumblr account as well.
Don't ever stop writing. Fan fictions are amazing. If you ever decide to write something for yourself, I'll gladly read it. Fiction press is great for that. Just let us know in some way. You're so awesome. Don't stop being awesome. You're the stuff of legends too.
Falling Right Side-Up chapter 36 . 10/29/2015
XD For all your brilliant writing, the one that tickles me the most this chapter is: "I hope you have a pear-flavoured wedding cake," Martha said viciously. Lovely.
Falling Right Side-Up chapter 12 . 10/29/2015
XD I really hope you have or will write the 50th anniversary special. Would love to know how the twist with the scandalous wife came about and what image the moment chose :)
QueenWho chapter 64 . 10/6/2015
I loved this so much You are a great author and I hope you will never stop writing, even when you don't feel like what you're writing is good.
Fleur24 chapter 63 . 10/3/2015
Oh Rose! her and the Doctor's road to healing and recovery will be long and bumpy, but their get there eventually. Never the same as before, but happy and together. I did like that Jack gave Rose her rings back, and that the Doctor found her necklace and bracelet.
I'm not completely surprised that Rose watched the Master burn with the Doctor. She wouldn't want him to do it alone.
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