Reviews for Something Wicked
4everfictional chapter 16 . 9/30/2016
Dang it Cas. Why you gotta tattle like that? ;) Love the chapter! XD
4everfictional chapter 15 . 9/30/2016
Yes! XD Oh, this'll be so much fun. ;)
4everfictional chapter 14 . 9/30/2016
I wonder what Cas is telling Dean and Sam. Love the chapter! XD
4everfictional chapter 13 . 9/29/2016
Was it Tucker calling that gave him away? Love the chapter, he has the best people in his life! XD
4everfictional chapter 12 . 9/29/2016
I am ready. I am so ready for this. XD
4everfictional chapter 11 . 9/29/2016
Go steal it back! XD
4everfictional chapter 10 . 9/29/2016
The more you know. ;) Love the chapter! XD
4everfictional chapter 9 . 9/29/2016
This is a story I need to hear. ;) Love it! XD
4everfictional chapter 8 . 9/29/2016
He's angsting so hard. I love it! XD
4everfictional chapter 7 . 9/29/2016
He really has the best friends.
4everfictional chapter 5 . 9/29/2016
Did Sam get a boyfriend?
4everfictional chapter 4 . 9/29/2016
Those angels really can be so heavy handed. ;) Love it! XD
4everfictional chapter 3 . 9/29/2016
I love these little asides at the end (the whole chapter at that)! XD
4everfictional chapter 2 . 9/29/2016
But they're such good friends...don't shut them out!
4everfictional chapter 1 . 9/29/2016
I love it! XD
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