Reviews for Rebuilt |
An chapter 46 . 3/31/2018 Have i ever told you that you know how to bring a smile to my face even when i don't understand why? Because you do :) |
TMarvoloRiddle1944 chapter 46 . 3/28/2018 This is probably one of the best most imaginative non magic stories I have ever read. Please please come back! |
Beg457 chapter 46 . 3/19/2018 Dear Lizard Jesus, I just binge read this rollercoaster of a story, and I've never been more intrigued, confused, and frustrated than I am now, after finishing the latest chapter. Is Harry going to make like the books and die, then come back to finish things up? Am I really sensing the climatic finale, or is there going to be the twist that it was actually Helga Hufflepuff who was the Mastermind behind everything? I don't know, and I can't wait to find out. Anyways the only feedback I have is that this is probably only a few name changes away from being a best selling novel. It's perfect. Even though all these mysteries leave me with more questions than answers, it helps keep the plot rather exciting and leaves me with the sense of just wanting *more*. Basically your story here is amazing and I can't really think of anyway it can actually improve. If it did I'm pretty sure my mind would implode under the sheer ingenuity of such a thing. |
Guest chapter 46 . 3/18/2018 I can't wait for the next update! |
Guest chapter 1 . 3/17/2018 Is this fic abandoned now? It's a shame if it is, because it's one of my very favorites. |
katchile94 chapter 46 . 3/10/2018 Love your story! I hope to see the next chapter soon! I love your version of Voldemort in this universe. I wonder how bad he is gonna take with the idea of Harry dying. Very badly I assume. Not gonna lie I love their smut scenes because it’s not corny or unrealistic. It seems genuine to their characters. |
Guest chapter 46 . 3/3/2018 Where are you? It's so sad you never update anymore |
reader chapter 39 . 2/26/2018 wow ok i- i'll die if harry does hdndjdndkd. |
Ljioze chapter 46 . 2/25/2018 This fic. Is INTENSE. And I'm even more surprised as this is a "no-plan-fic", I can't believe you manage to make all the secrets, all the revelations and all the "teams" work out. It's a truly elaborated plot, I can't wait to read the next chapter ! Thanks a lot! |
Guest continued chapter 46 . 2/24/2018 Don't ever stop writing because you've got a gift and a damn good one too it's beautiful reading is amazing don't you think the fact the they are just letters and words that your brain processes that make you experience so many different emotions like euphoria and despair and excitement and heartache it is just so fucking beautiful and I know that I've experienced that reading your stories cos you're a fucking amazing writer |
Guest chapter 46 . 2/24/2018 This is the best fanfiction I have ever had the pleasure of reading you are an amazing writer don't ever stop because I think it would be incredibly selfish to deprive the world of your work cos it's beautiful |
Kibo Oto chapter 46 . 2/22/2018 I've just realized this story has not been finished and it has not been updated in over a year. Cue my displeasure. |
Guest chapter 1 . 2/22/2018 R u gonna update soon ? |
aleekae chapter 46 . 2/20/2018 I'm terrible at leaving comments but I just have to say that i LOVE what you have written so far and I've been so obsessed with this that I don't know what to do with myself now... is it possible to write fanfiction for fanfiction? Fanfictionception.. |
Guest chapter 10 . 2/20/2018 I love it this is like my 4th time reading it but I will never get sick of it |