Reviews for Rebuilt
AliCat174347 chapter 45 . 12/29/2017
i looovvvveeee it! amazing and Eimana is totally right, this could be a book and believe me I would definitely read it! you are an amazing writer and I really hope to see you continue:)
have fun writing, I'll have fun reading!
miso-misi chapter 46 . 12/26/2017
I cant believe that this fanfic is still continuing. It has been years since I read this and yesterday I found it again and saw that it updated recently. Of course I had to read it all again and it was awesome :D There were so many new chapters 3

you are amazing :DDD and I rly admire your dedication to this fanfic
great job you did and are doing there -~-
Eimana chapter 46 . 12/25/2017
Aaaaand done reading my third run. It's really amazing how I never get bored to rereading this story. Usually I skip through some content or chapters when I go back to rereading but Rebuilt kept my attention without fail. Hope to see the new chapter soon and thank you so much for sharing your story with us
Elizabeth-HP chapter 46 . 12/25/2017
Naughty, naughty Riddle...
Eimana chapter 29 . 12/25/2017
I am rereading this story for the third time bc it is that good and I freaking love it and... I started thinking, you know, this could easily be an original story. There are so little elements of the HPverse, only the characters personalities which were based off of the original remain. If you ever decide publishing a book, you have a story right here. You would just need to tweak certain things, names and it could be your own stand alone story.

But truly, I really love this story. Off to reading further then :3
T.Maureen chapter 46 . 12/24/2017
Wo , i am late as fuck xD
Stil in love with your fiction anyway :)
Jankia chapter 20 . 12/23/2017
LunaeCollectori chapter 46 . 12/20/2017
Everytime you post a new chapter I reread like half of this fic and it keeps getting better each time I do it XD I'm so happy you're still working on it. Take your time and thanks for embarassed-harry in this chapter (god, I can barely wait to see how tom will react when he learns about harry's condition)
Guest chapter 25 . 12/19/2017
How old are you
Celeste Riddle Potter chapter 46 . 12/18/2017
Thank you fot the chapter, the fanfic is amazing.
R. A Cross chapter 46 . 12/17/2017
Thanks for the chapter
Guest chapter 46 . 12/17/2017
I'm sobbing. Don't leave me alone for so long you cruel vile author. Anyway I absolutely adore your writing. Continue to type away my splendifiourous friend.
King of the Souls chapter 46 . 12/10/2017
great chapter can't wait for next but I hope it takes a shorter amount of time
diesedame chapter 46 . 12/8/2017
Hello! I am so impressed by your story. This is the best AU fic I have ever read in my ~10 years on fanfiction. This is such a great post-apocalyptic story, I dont even need the lure of the Tom/Harry pairing to want to read more. But I love the pairing all the same, their conversations always make me laugh. I hope to see more of this story soon. I will stay tuned!
Halfblood huffle chapter 46 . 12/8/2017
YES Weasley reunion was heartwarming. Also it's awesome riddle recognizes Harry's coalition going on. And how he teased Harry right after being flustered for saying "with" instead of "for" :3
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