Reviews for Rebuilt
Branded Lunacy chapter 45 . 5/4/2017
I'M ALIVE! Not immortal, though. And yesssss, blurring reality sounds awesome right now. Too bad good writing takes time. But i am willing to wait!
Thanks for updating, love!
Chimebelle chapter 45 . 5/4/2017
I love the twins, and I love Ron even more. Welcome back! The chalter was wonderful as always, and I really loved how Ron just- killed Grindlewald when he got too annoying. Poor Rosier, he really is the sanest inthe group. XD! And can I say that Voldemort was- pardon me- adorable? Sirius Remus and Snape's reactions added to the adorable/amusing scene.
Abeham chapter 45 . 5/4/2017
Still reading and still love it... I love the plot, action, romance and just your amazing ability to write and portray different characters and their personalities. Amazing read and can't wait for more...
Guess who chapter 45 . 5/4/2017
SANGO TAJIYA chapter 45 . 5/3/2017
Nooooooooo nooooo come back I need it
Kalkun chapter 45 . 5/2/2017
i laugh and i cry because i read this story.
you are truly amazing
i love the way you describe Tom and Harry's relationship.
KEEP IT UP! i'm looking forward to the update.
it's amazing
your story is amazing UPDATE SOON KAYYY
doylereborn208 chapter 45 . 5/2/2017
Yay for new chapter. Riveting as always.
Meghan-Black01 chapter 45 . 5/2/2017
! YES! TO THE RESCUE! Nice timing! Poor Riddle; definitely misses Harry. Holly crap; I'm so mind-blown by everything :OOOOOO It's all crazy, yet it all makes sense, somehow! :DDD Now, all Harry needs to do is save himself and love the crap out of Riddle! 3 Thank you for updating!
Meghan-Black01 chapter 43 . 5/2/2017
Holly crap! I'm so sad about Harry's situation! I wish he could have time to milk what little time he has left with Riddle :,(((((( Then again, it's Harry; I'm hoping his miraculous luck will get him out of this one alive 3
Guest chapter 45 . 5/2/2017
Thank you for updating! Written incredibly well, looking forward to the blurring reality update as well!
Riddles of the Werewolf chapter 45 . 5/2/2017
I'm so glad this is back! This story is so much fun to read.
Mirage chapter 8 . 5/2/2017
i still get angry when reading this, and im sure its Dumbledore who did this in ch8...he is still a sick bastard
Shadoween chapter 45 . 5/1/2017
wow that's been a while, lucky me I still remembered what happened and didn't have to reread the whole story... again xD you did it once cause I had a break in this fan fic , oh well cya al blurring reality xD
Miranda Flamel chapter 45 . 5/1/2017
This chapter, this whole fic, is absolutely AMAZING
I love the setting/background/etc of this fic
I cannot properly express how much I love this
*sends much kudos*
LalaSpade chapter 45 . 5/1/2017
Omg the way Voldemort is fucking sulking gives me life. That is both hilarious and cute. Thank you for the chapter! I'm still alive! But you said you had risen from the grave, so the real question is,are you a zombie author?
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