Reviews for Number One Zero
HollBeth chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
This is certainly a different Bella...refreshing. I can't get a true read on either of their feelings, though. I'm not sure if she regrets or doesn't - wants him or doesn't care. Same for him - I know he doesn't regret it, but I'm not sure what he wants.

And I love that.

There's so much yet to discover. So excited for the start of your combined brilliance!
shaz308 chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
Bella seems like she is a bit lost. Looking for something, someone. She's full of bravado but seem a little sad. I hope Edward try's to learn who this 'new' Bella is. Looking forward to reading more soon, thanks.
Ladyniki chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
Can't wait to get to know this Bella and Edward more.
Sunflower Fran chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
Bella is a free spirit. She is wild and untamed, and Edward is a math and philosophy major. Sort of like oil and water, or fire and ice. Can they ever be what they once were to each other?
Can't wait for more, really interesting concept. Love these characters already!
twitoria chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
I really see this story. I see it I see it! You guys are the dream team.
My dad would vote Freddie Mercury a trillion times over... When Freddie died, handfuls of people called my dad, offering up their condolences. I was born a week later, so I guess that consoled him HA
Thanks again for this
mo kagen chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
it's so flippin hot here today, I think I'm inspired to go get a watermelon, cut a hole in it and fill it with some liquor... then find my melon baller... thank you!
songster chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
Clearly I'm enjoying this. Your characters have taken flight already in just one chapter. Of course, I have a gazillion questions and that makes me happy and wanting to read more, which is a good thing (LOL feel like Martha Stewart).
cejsmom chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
It was hard to take my time and savor it - but I did. And I will. And I'm excited and this was fabulous and you've created a wonderful cast of characters and we've only met 3 of them. Can't wait for the next one.
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