Reviews for Number One Zero
NKubie chapter 4 . 5/23/2014
I can feel what should be their connection now just shimmering on the edges, waiting to envelop them. But it's still just shimmering. I'm hoping with time it will cover them like a silk sheet. Or maybe in silk sheets. ;)

I really love this Bella, but I sometimes wonder how clueless she is to what Edward is feeling or is he so good at covering it up that she can't tell. But it would be hard not to, I think. In the way he looks at her, the adoration. For a woman who has always looked at the world so differently and found beauty in it, it's hard to believe she doesn't know. Maybe she's ignoring it because she's still worried it will ruin their friendship. Frustrating, but it drives the story, doesn't it?

You are so good at painting a really detailed and almost tangible picture with words! Thank you!

BelleBiter chapter 4 . 5/23/2014
If he can't quite capture the words in one claw, I hope he can come up with a small bouquet of equations for her soon.
jansails chapter 4 . 5/23/2014
There is this edge of anger Edward has aimed at Bella, balancing with his desire & the past, memories he cherishes.
songster chapter 4 . 5/23/2014
You already know how much I love these two. Such different quirky characters, rich descriptions and the emotions...well I just love it. Of course they really need to use their words. Edward uses the best words in inner monologue and I just want to smack him and say let the words out, you might be surprised. :-)

Happy Happy Happy Birthday dear Believey T!
wonderfullybedazzled chapter 4 . 5/23/2014
He has it bad!
Love the word stoked, deja vu from Santa Cruz days. Had to be IReen.
Cullenosopy chapter 4 . 5/23/2014
Happy muther effing birthday to you! Happy muther effing birthday to you! Happy muther effing gawd dang suckin" birthday to you-oooooooo! Happy even though I don't know you, nor will I ever meet you or see you around anywhere on this earth or in heaven or hellllllllllllllll, happy birthday to you!
And many more!

Thank you!
Maplestyle chapter 4 . 5/23/2014
Loved this chapter, though the ending made my gut clench a little. Can't wait for more.
Rita01tx chapter 4 . 5/23/2014
Edward and Bella are so different yet their focus on math and art, respectively, mesh so well. Perhaps because they were always so close, and could be again!
If I were Bella, my feelin's would be hurt by the way Edward just walked out! That boy needs to find his words and share them with her...soon!
twitoria chapter 4 . 5/23/2014
You guys make me want to write haikus. I think I have to start this story over because I forgot that Alice is a place and Mr. Carlisle is a cat. HAAAA. That made for some funny moments. E.g. Carlisle jumping into Edward's lap. But anyway, rereading will be my pleasure :)

And happy birthday to BelieveItOrNot this weekend... This fandom doesn't know how lucky it is to have you. And although it's not IreenH's birthday, the same sentiment applies, no doubt!
dreamzuvedward chapter 4 . 5/23/2014
I love Bella's resilience in this chapter. I know she must feel Edward pushing her away repeatedly but she doesn't close herself off, she keeps working herself gently in his space. Does she know him so well that she sees what he's doing? Even so, she must have some doubts. How long before she stops trying?
2old4fanfic chapter 4 . 5/23/2014
Poor boy, overwhelmed by all that girl
BelieveItOrNot chapter 4 . 5/23/2014
"Grow up, Bella." - Love you for that one, girl. And I love writing with you. Thank you for the birthday message! You're wonderful, too!

And to the guest, thank you for noticing the tense switches. It's because Edward's memories happened in the past, so those scenes will always be written in past tense. The scenes happening in the moment will be written in present.
shaz308 chapter 4 . 5/23/2014
He is confusing Bella. I hope he works things out soon.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/23/2014
This is really wordy and the tenses switch from past to present.
cejsmom chapter 4 . 5/23/2014
Oh, I don't know who I feel worse for - poor Bella won't understand at all - and I don't think Edward does either.
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