Reviews for Nightingale
Guest chapter 7 . 11/5/2021
Guest chapter 7 . 1/21/2021
Beautiful! Really enjoyed this. Thank you!
JD SPARKS chapter 1 . 10/30/2020
Just started this and very intrigued. Definitely enjoying the adaptation you've done converting it to a modern muggle AU. But the bit where Riddle started speaking in binary threw me for the biggest loop. hahaha
Jummper chapter 7 . 9/28/2020
OH MY GOD, THIS IS THE BEST (in my opinion)
Granger Danger 23 chapter 7 . 5/29/2020
Omg best ending ever! I wasn’t expecting him to find her but he did and told her he loved her !
tneha chapter 7 . 4/29/2020
Loved it! I think this story deserves a very detailed review.
I love how you made the leap from magic to muggle and tried to integrate the different elements of the canon. I was especially amazed by the 7 imprints. That was genius.
I also loved how you characterized Tom and Hermione. It was very true to canon. The crossover of different characters was very seamless. Altogether I am very grateful you took the time to write this story, its exceptional. Thank you!
Guest chapter 7 . 4/2/2020
Loved this! Read it all in one go!
Perhentian chapter 7 . 3/26/2020
This was a nice story! Thank you for writing and sharing it! :)
AK chapter 7 . 3/16/2020
Omg how does this story not have more reviews? I loved it. I wish it was longer (and I’ll dream about that 19 years later epilogue too lol). Thank you.
laureenkatebautista chapter 7 . 2/8/2020
You blew my mind. Goosebumps and all. This is good, so good that I'm getting vertigo just thinking about it xD
Guest chapter 7 . 12/28/2019
How you integrated aspects of canon in this semi-realistic universe was absolutely amazing! I loved the idea of the horcruxes as freeze frames / static holographic beings bent on murder. And I'm not sure if Tom Riddle can be legitimately redeemed after terrorizing his classmates and murder or if the concept of time travel was wholly consistent, but the story line was irresistible and the characterization of Hermione, as well as of Tom, was fresh! Riveting and suspenseful with a cool twist on magic as technology! It was a pleasure to read.
Shruthi chapter 7 . 8/20/2019
The right mix of science and fiction to satisfy :')
Seriously, the fanfic was just too perfect. God, the dynamics of their romance.. Splendiddddd!
I sound like an over excited girl, but i dont even care :P
Seriously. Write more. 3
NavyBlueHoney chapter 7 . 1/31/2019
Good God. This was so good I want to cry. Honestly, one of the best characterisations of Hermione I’ve ever heard. And Lord, who wouldn’t fall in love with that version of Tom. My new favourite Tomione!
Rlkotatis chapter 7 . 12/5/2018
I feel even without an epilogue this was a perfect ending. What a great tomione I love every word.
xxXTomione4EvaXxx chapter 7 . 11/8/2018
Dawwwwwww. This was cute. No epilogue? Did they create a paradox?
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